In one story in this collection, a sheltered young boy witnesses the abduction of his neighbor and decides whether to intervene.
The National Book Awards Longlist for Fiction||September 19, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Maybe it is the sheltered liberals who are trying to have their Tea Nana and drink it too.
Israeli Mayor: If I'm Racist, So Is Israel|Mira Sucharov|August 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The baby would have been sheltered under the mother as the adults formed a protective circle, facing outward.
How to Capture an Elephant: Excerpt From Michael Daly’s ‘Topsy’|Michael Daly|July 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Sow another crop of peas, and plant more beans; choose a dry spot for them, where they can be sheltered from the winter's cold.
The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches,|Mary Eaton
Drawing his bow, he slid to the ground, and sheltered himself behind his pony.
The War Trail|Elmer Russell Gregor
But the Bossonians have sheltered you Aquilonians from the outer wildernesses for too many centuries.
Beyond the Black River|Robert E. Howard
Philip—her idolized Philip—that ever her house should have sheltered this creature to bring a curse upon him!
Cecil Castlemaine's Gage, Lady Marabout's Troubles, and Other Stories|Ouida
The first of the little fleet of trawlers swung round the end of the reef into the sheltered water of the bay.
The Island Mystery|George A. Birmingham
British Dictionary definitions for sheltered
/ (ˈʃɛltəd) /
protected from wind or weathera sheltered garden
protected from outside influencesa sheltered upbringing
(of buildings) specially designed to provide a safe environment for the elderly, handicapped, or disabledsheltered workshops for the blind See also sheltered housing