If you’re looking to upgrade your existing machine, you can usually find options that are easy to install yourself.
Six ways to make your ATV even more rugged|By Tyler Freel/Outdoor Life|September 17, 2020|Popular Science
These differences exist even as about 2 in 3 Americans, including clear majorities across partisan lines, say the United States should play an active role in the world.
Poll: Sharp partisan differences now exist on foreign policy, views of American exceptionalism|Dan Balz, Scott Clement|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
They can’t figure out how they are going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system.
Trump’s most popular YouTube ad is a stew of manipulated video|Glenn Kessler, Meg Kelly|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
Both fine smoke particles and the coronavirus can be captured by a class of air filters known as MERV-13, which can be installed in many existing heating and air conditioning systems.
Wildfire smoke and COVID-19 are a one-two punch for indoor air quality across the U.S.|dzanemorris|September 17, 2020|Fortune
Trainor said that while voting by mail has existed for many decades, “this wholesale of just mailing out ballots to anybody and everybody — I think is going to cause mass confusion as we get towards Election Day.”
Trump contradicts CDC director on vaccine; Biden says Americans shouldn’t trust Trump|Colby Itkowitz, Felicia Sonmez, John Wagner|September 16, 2020|Washington Post
What conflicts do exist between them derive from misunderstanding and accident.
The 2014 Novel of the Year|Nathaniel Rich|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
While it does service the community, it also gives them a place to call home and exist without any stigmas from the outside world.
The LGBT Center That Changed Our Lives|Justin Jones|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Both projects only exist because internet.org enables users to access info via the Internet for free.
Silicon Valley Sets Its Sights on Africa|Christian Borys|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Methane could be produced by microbes on Mars, too, if they exist in enough numbers.
Methane on Mars: Life or Just Gas?|Matthew R. Francis|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Currently, real-time surveillance systems of disease do not exist.
The Secret to Tracking Ebola, MERS, and Flu? Sewers|Wudan Yan|November 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
These conservatives are not without value, but they can only exist in a fixed state of society.
The Puddleford Papers,|H. H. Riley
The existence of a devil—a creature made by God, and the author of evil that will exist forever.
Handbook of Freethought|Various
Special reasons may exist in some particular case why a man in this class has not entered into such relation.
Defense of the Faith and the Saints (Volume 1 of 2)|B. H. Roberts
Their growth has required ages, and during their development many a parent stalk has ceased to exist.
A Manual of the Antiquity of Man|J. P. MacLean
The finest cattle are said to exist in Khokand, and among the Karakalpaks on the Oxus, whose exclusive occupation is to rear them.
Sketches of Central Asia (1868)|Arminius Vmbry
British Dictionary definitions for exist
/ (ɪɡˈzɪst) /
to have being or reality; to be
to eke out a living; stay alive; surviveI can barely exist on this wage
to be living; live
to be present under specified conditions or in a specified placesharks exist in the Pacific
to be actual rather than merely possible
to be a member of the domain of some theory, an element of some possible world, etc
to have contingent being while free, responsible, and aware of one's situation
Derived forms of exist
existing, adjective
Word Origin for exist
C17: from Latin exsistere to step forth, from ex-1 + sistere to stand