a test, trial, or tentative procedure; an act or operation for the purpose of discovering something unknown or of testing a principle, supposition, etc.: a chemical experiment; a teaching experiment; an experiment in living.
the conducting of such operations; experimentation: a product that is the result of long experiment.
Obsolete. experience.
verb (used without object)
to try or test, especially in order to discover or prove something: to experiment with a new procedure.
ex·per·i·ment·er,ex·per·i·men·tor,ex·per·i·men·ta·tor,nounpre·ex·per·i·ment,nounpro·ex·per·i·ment,adjectivere·ex·per·i·ment,verb (used without object),noun
IBM hopes that a platform like RoboRXN could dramatically speed up that process by predicting the recipes for compounds and automating experiments.
IBM has built a new drug-making lab entirely in the cloud|Karen Hao|August 28, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The hope there is for improved sensitivity in searches for dark matter or experiments that might reveal some long-sought flaws in our standard model of particle physics.
Cosmic rays could pose a problem for future quantum computers|Neel Patel|August 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The experiment represents early progress toward the possible development of an ultra-secure communications network beamed from space.
U.S. vies for leadership in quantum and A.I. with $1 billion bet|rhhackettfortune|August 26, 2020|Fortune
The new experiment represents, however, the first time scientists have applied machine learning to “validation,” a further step toward confirming results that involves additional statistical calculation.
50 new planets, including one as big as Neptune, are identified using A.I.|rhhackettfortune|August 26, 2020|Fortune
At first, the sites amounted to experiments on the outer edges of the crypto universe, but in 2020 they have started to attract real money.
Crypto soars again as traders embrace ‘DeFi’ and ‘yield farming’—but some see echoes of the 2017 bubble|Jeff|August 25, 2020|Fortune
This video, courtesy of BuzzFeed, tries a bit of an experiment to get some answers.
The Bottled Water Taste Test|The Daily Beast Video|December 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the fall of 1992, Booker became a vegetarian “as an experiment,” he said, “and I was surprised by how much my body took to it.”
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried.
The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.
An innovative act or procedure.
The result of experimentation.
To conduct an experiment.
To try something new, especially in order to gain experience.