Rage, Bob Woodward’s newest book, was already at the top of Amazon’s bestseller list days before Americans learned about its explosive contents.
Bob Woodward’s book proves Americans still want to read about Trump|Karen Ho|September 11, 2020|Quartz
That’s according to an explosive new whistleblower complaint released by the Democrat-led House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday afternoon.
What to make of the DHS whistleblower’s shocking complaint|Alex Ward|September 11, 2020|Vox
Netflix saw explosive subscriber growth in its first two quarters of this year, mainly attributed to the coronavirus pandemic.
Eyeing new subscribers, Netflix makes ‘Stranger Things,’ ‘Love Is Blind,’ and more available for free|Aric Jenkins|August 31, 2020|Fortune
When an idle shipment of dangerous explosives burst in Beirut, there were Carrds.
The internet of protest is being built on single-page websites|Tanya Basu|August 27, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Still others have proposed that space became magnetized before all this, during cosmic inflation — the explosive expansion of space that purportedly jump-started the Big Bang itself.
The Hidden Magnetic Universe Begins to Come Into View|Natalie Wolchover|July 2, 2020|Quanta Magazine
Some of the most explosive opportunities could be based around things that the Western world seems reluctant to adopt.
Silicon Valley Sets Its Sights on Africa|Christian Borys|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And it would let governors show leadership in explosive, highly-publicized cases.
A Shiite stronghold wrapped in a Sunni explosive belt—not exactly a picture of stability.
The Nuclear Deal That Iran’s Regime Fears Most|Djavad Khadem|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That incident was due to an “equipment” problem (a steel tube ruptured)—resulting in explosive vapors being released and ignited.
Oil Tankers Leaking into Seattle’s Water|Bill Conroy|October 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But it is their fraught emotional relationship that makes the story so explosive.
Michael Sheen’s Masterful Study of Sex and Insecurity|Caryn James|September 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Lloyd Morgan has prettily likened the vital processes to the periodic formation and discharge of explosive substances.
On Germinal Selection as a Source of Definite Variation|August Weismann
The term struck Doggies brain with a thud, like the explosive fusion of two elements.
The Rough Road|William John Locke
Neither is it owing to a difference in their continuity or explosiveness; although f is continuous, whilst p is explosive.
A Handbook of the English Language|Robert Gordon Latham
Unless some importation of explosive material from the westward stirs them up, one century is made the pattern for the next.
A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches|Sarah Orne Jewett
The explosive section then floated up towards the surface, unwinding the wire from the sinker.
Submarine Warfare of To-day|Charles W. Domville-Fife
British Dictionary definitions for explosive
/ (ɪkˈspləʊsɪv) /
of, involving, or characterized by an explosion or explosions
capable of exploding or tending to explode
potentially violent or hazardous; dangerousan explosive situation
phonetics another word for plosive
a substance that decomposes rapidly under certain conditions with the production of gases, which expand by the heat of the reaction. The energy released is used in firearms, blasting, and rocket propulsion