[ ik-sten -siv ] SHOW IPA
adjective of great extent; wide; broad: an extensive area.
covering or extending over a great area: extensive travels.
far-reaching; comprehensive; thorough: extensive knowledge.
lengthy: an extensive journey.
great in amount, number, or degree: an extensive fortune; extensive political influence.
of or having extension: Space is extensive, time durational.
noting or pertaining to a system of agriculture involving the use or cultivation of large areas of land with a minimum of labor and expense (opposed to intensive).
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of extensive 1375–1425; late Middle English <Late Latin extēnsīvus, equivalent to Latin extēns (us ) (past participle of extendere to extend) + -īvus -ive
SYNONYMS FOR extensive 1 extended, large, spacious, ample, vast.
ANTONYMS FOR extensive 1, 3 limited, narrow, confined.
3 parochial.
OTHER WORDS FROM extensive ex·ten·sive·ly, adverb ex·ten·sive·ness, ex·ten·siv·i·ty [ek-sten-siv -i-tee, ik-], /ˌɛk stɛnˈsɪv ɪ ti, ɪk-/, noun non·ex·ten·sive, adjective non·ex·ten·sive·ly, adverb non·ex·ten·sive·ness, noun pre·ex·ten·sive, adjective pre·ex·ten·sive·ly, adverb
Words nearby extensive extension library service, extension ring, extension rule, extension tube, extensity, extensive , extensometer, extensor, extensor digitorum brevis, extensor hallucis brevis, extensor muscle of fingers
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for extensive Doctors provide a useful example here thanks to extensive data on doctor-patient interactions and research into racial inequalities in patient care.
Why some senior officers are making it harder for police departments to fight racism | matthewheimer| August 26, 2020| Fortune
Two prominent academics offered extensive research they say proves the effort “illusory”—and a bad idea, even if it weren’t.
Stakeholder capitalism isn’t a choice | Alan Murray| August 24, 2020| Fortune
Belarus is not a country with extensive well-developed ties to other countries outside its neighborhood.
Why You Should Care About Belarus | Tracy Moran| August 17, 2020| Ozy
SDG&E employees have participated in “extensive ” drills for conducting wildfire management and shutoff procedures completely virtually, Winn said.
Sacramento Report: Uber vs. California | Voice of San Diego| August 14, 2020| Voice of San Diego
The posts don’t need to be extensive , persuasive essays to get the job done.
Guide: How to structure a local SEO strategy for your business | Christian Carere| August 6, 2020| Search Engine Watch
The building had to be rebuilt in 1963 after extensive damage from the Second World War was finally deemed irreparable.
Inside The World’s 10 Oldest Restaurants | Justin Jones| December 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
“Getting a first shot is one thing,” said a former Air Force fighter pilot with extensive experience with Russian weapons.
Pentagon Worries That Russia Can Now Outshoot U.S. Stealth Jets | Dave Majumdar| December 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
If a Queen did cheat, her crimes fade into insignificance compared to the extensive philandering engaged in by medieval monarchs.
The Sex Life of King Richard III's Randy Great Great Great Grandfather | Tom Sykes| December 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The website Bishop Accountability keeps some of the most extensive records on allegations of priestly abuse available.
How Sicko Priests Got Away With It | Barbie Latza Nadeau| November 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Since the war began, sexual violence, including rape, is the most extensive form of violence faced by Syrian women and girls.
The Young Girls Escaping the ISIS War | Chandra Kellison| September 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Therefore the present geographical distribution of species was largely determined by the extensive migrations of that time.
Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 56, March 1900 | Various
The deep and extensive hollows formed by the floods of this river compelled us to travel southward for several miles.
Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Vol 1 (of 2) | Thomas Mitchell
It is served by the Chicago & North-Western railway, and by an extensive inter-urban electric system.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Slice 5 | Various
A man not only known for his extensive knowledge of chemistry, but distinguished for his philosophy and patriotism.
James Cutbush | Edgar F. Smith
With the help of this fraud, and with a free and extensive market made on the Stock Exchange, the 1870 Honduras 10 per cent.
International Finance | Hartley Withers
British Dictionary definitions for extensive adjective having a large extent, area, scope, degree, etc; vast extensive deserts ; an extensive inheritance
widespread extensive coverage in the press
agriculture involving or farmed with minimum expenditure of capital or labour, esp depending on a large area of land Compare intensive (def. 3)
physics of or relating to a property, measurement, etc, of a macroscopic system that is proportional to the size of the system heat is an extensive property Compare intensive (def. 7)
logic of or relating to logical extension (of a definition) in terms of the objects to which the term applies rather than its meaning
Derived forms of extensive extensively , adverb extensiveness , noun Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to extensive pervasive, huge, lengthy, large-scale, comprehensive, protracted, major, voluminous, large, broad, sweeping, considerable, vast, expanded, wide-ranging, all-inclusive, big, blanket, boundless, capacious