an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc.: I shall act on your advice.
a communication, especially from a distance, containing information: Advice from abroad informs us that the government has fallen. Recent diplomatic advices have been ominous.
an official notification, especially one pertaining to a business agreement: an overdue advice.
WATCH NOW: Advice vs. Advise
When to use advice and advise
Origin of advice
1250–1300; late Middle English advise; replacing Middle English avis (with ad-ad- for a-a-5) <Old French a vis (taken from the phrase ce m'est a vis that is my impression, it seems to me) <Latin ad (see ad-) + vīsus (see visage)
1 admonition, warning, caution; guidance; urging.
2 intelligence, word.
3 notice, advisory.
synonym study for advice
1. Advice,counsel,recommendation,suggestion,persuasion,exhortation refer to opinions urged with more or less force as worthy bases for thought, opinion, conduct, or action. Advice is a practical recommendation as to action or conduct: advice about purchasing land.Counsel is weighty and serious advice, given after careful deliberation: counsel about one's career.Recommendation is weaker than advice and suggests an opinion that may or may not be acted upon: Do you think he'll follow my recommendation?Suggestion implies something more tentative than a recommendation: He did not expect his suggestion to be taken seriously.Persuasion suggests a stronger form of advice, urged at some length with appeals to reason, emotion, self-interest, or ideals: His persuasion changed their minds.Exhortation suggests an intensified persuasion or admonition, often in the form of a discourse or address: an impassioned exhortation.
Efforts like these don’t just offer vital advice to future workers—they send a message to my students that they have a chance to fill a role where they have an equal footing from day one.
If companies don’t recruit from HBCUs, they’re missing out on promising employees|jakemeth|September 25, 2020|Fortune
When New Jersey lawmakers sought advice about police accountability, one of the power players they turned to was Sean Lavin, a police union leader.
How Criminal Cops Often Avoid Jail|by Andrew Ford, Asbury Park Press|September 23, 2020|ProPublica
Our presenters also share practical and actionable advice on how to overcome productivity, efficiency, and distraction obstacles—including children.
Watch: Quartz’s workshop on productivity and time management|Heather Landy|September 18, 2020|Quartz
One reason is that the industry is evolving, with the value of financial advice changing.
The Best Workplaces for Women are expanding the turf for women in finance|lbelanger225|September 18, 2020|Fortune
Many of the founders I have spoken to said one of their biggest early challenges was figuring out how to sift through all the advice they receive.
Startup founders must overcome information overload|Walter Thompson|September 17, 2020|TechCrunch
Who do you turn to now when you have a decision to make, when you have one less person to provide validation or advice?
Everyone at This Dinner Party Has Lost Someone|Samantha Levine|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The problem, though, is that this advice presumes that death threats are rare and abnormal.
Cover-Ups and Concern Trolls: Actually, It's About Ethics in Suicide Journalism|Arthur Chu|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
As a well-known advocate for Baluch rights in Iran, young Iranians reach out to him for advice.
The Dangerous Drug-Funded Secret War Between Iran and Pakistan|Umar Farooq|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Their authors promise that your spirit will be improved, your ambition honed, and your finances maximized by their advice.
Can Self-Help Books Really Make a New You?|Lizzie Crocker|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It was not only the advice that I gave parents about their kids, it was the standard I held for my own.
Yes, Your Toddler Can Watch TV: The New Rules for Screen Time|Russell Saunders|December 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His advice, however, sunk deep into my mind, and has often been of singular value to me since.
Parker's Second Reader|Richard G. Parker
His soldiers broke into cheers, but he sternly stopped them, with the advice to wait till the Hartford was sunk.
Dewey and Other Naval Commanders|Edward S. Ellis
Wilson has written to the Sultan a letter full of advice, and he says the Turks will be more powerful than ever.
The Greville Memoirs|Charles C. F. Greville
Yet the "Tigers" purposed to make the place the talk of the juvenile population and they turned to their captain for advice.
A Son of the City|Herman Gastrell Seely
For the moment Russell appears to have yielded easily to this French advice.
Great Britain and the American Civil War|Ephraim Douglass Adams
British Dictionary definitions for advice
/ (ədˈvaɪs) /
recommendation as to appropriate choice of action; counsel
(sometimes plural)formal notification of facts, esp when communicated from a distance
Word Origin for advice
C13: avis (later advise), via Old French from a Vulgar Latin phrase based on Latin ad to, according to + vīsum view (hence: according to one's view, opinion)