a method, procedure, policy, etc., that reduces the time or energy needed to accomplish something.
a link to a software application, file, or website, usually represented as a graphical icon that can be clicked on to quickly access or open it: You can create a desktop shortcut to a web page you've visited.
Also called keyboard shortcut .hotkey.
constituting or providing a shorter or quicker way: shortcut methods.
Origin of shortcut
First recorded in 1560–70; short + cut
Words nearby shortcut
short-commons, short con, short corner, short covering, shortcrust pastry, shortcut, short-dated, short-day, short-day plant, short division, short-eared owl
Definition for shortcut (2 of 2)
[ shawrt-kuht ]
/ ˈʃɔrtˌkʌt /
verb (used with object),short-cut,short-cut·ting.
to cause to be shortened by the use of a shortcut.
verb (used without object),short-cut,short-cut·ting.