They can run for up to 30 hours, but note it’s advisable to give your ears a rest every 2-3 hours.
Affordable headphones that make the perfect gift|PopSci Commerce Team|September 28, 2020|Popular Science
While it is advisable these days to keep every single blog post focused around one keyword, having two major keywords to rank for in a single blog post is not a bad idea, according to Hubspot.
SEO on a shoestring budget: What small business owners can do to win|Ali Faagba|June 4, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Otherwise, it might be advisable—perish the thought—to start reading newspapers again.
What’s Got CNN’S Anchors So Riled?|Lloyd Grove|February 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That does not mean it is practical, advisable, tenable, moral or that it should be perpetual.
Seeking A Realistic Mature Discussion About "Settlements"|Gil Troy|February 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST
It is advisable to think in advance where they will go, not afterwards.
Tal Law Expires Tonight|Orly Halpern|July 31, 2012|DAILY BEAST
To that end, selecting the best and the brightest was not advisable.
The Woman Who Could Nail Bush|Scott Horton|March 26, 2009|DAILY BEAST
It's advisable to get paid up front, because these dream teams are often nightmares.
"The Blood Sporting of Picking Off CEOs"|Eric Dezenhall|October 5, 2008|DAILY BEAST
It would, perhaps, be advisable to put him in a strait-jacket!
The Honor of the Name|Emile Gaboriau
Under all circumstances, it is advisable to let this dismemberment of dead and fallen cattle he performed at the knacker's yard.
On the cattle plague: or, Contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment|Honor Bourguignon
It is, therefore, advisable to give as plain an explanation of these as possible.
Meteorology|J. G. M'Pherson
It might be advisable for them to partition off a corner of this room for an office.
The Blue Birds' Winter Nest|Lillian Elizabeth Roy
In covering with anything as sheer as georgette, it is advisable to line with some other material first.