Now, extremist activity is increasingly moving out of the public eye, to closed groups on platforms such as WhatsApp or Telegram.
The American Fringes Go Mainstream|Nick Fouriezos|September 6, 2020|Ozy
Other platforms, such as 8chan, are typically where these extremist views originate, but Facebook is how they get distributed to the masses.
The American Fringes Go Mainstream|Nick Fouriezos|September 6, 2020|Ozy
Later, after Olson was pushed out for his extremist views, the Michigan Militia denied that McVeigh was representative of the group.
The Rise of American Militias, From Timothy McVeigh to Kyle Rittenhouse|Nick Fouriezos|September 6, 2020|Ozy
Collectively, the committee proposed an array of regulations for Mission Beach, and while the extremists might not have been satisfied, our full board voted overwhelmingly to support the proposal.
There’s a Vacation Rental Compromise on the Table — Take it|Matt Gardner|September 3, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Yet terrorists and extremist groups are gathering strength while the world’s attention and resources are focused on combating the pandemic.