On the sides, a lean premixed flame appears as a faint wisp.
Four types of flames join forces to make this eerie ‘blue whirl’|Emily Conover|August 12, 2020|Science News
Researchers have started to make rough Faraday rotation measurements using LOFAR, but the telescope has trouble picking out the extremely faint signal.
The Hidden Magnetic Universe Begins to Come Into View|Natalie Wolchover|July 2, 2020|Quanta Magazine
By training computers to recognize such faint rumbles, the scientists were able not only to identify the probable culprit behind the quakes, but also to track how such mysterious swarms can spread through complex fault networks in space and time.
Machine learning helped demystify a California earthquake swarm|Carolyn Gramling|June 18, 2020|Science News
When that faint light hits the other side, it’s already been split apart into its colors.
Explainer: Rainbows, fogbows and their eerie cousins|Matthew Cappucci|May 1, 2020|Science News For Students
Her voice was raspy and after answering questions she paused, as if about to faint.
Jeopardy! Champion Julia Collins’s Brain Feels Like Mush|Sujay Kumar|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I saw a faint, sweet glimmer of the ferocious protector he once was.
No One Ever Loses to Cancer|Dushka Zapata|October 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But this time I can plainly hear, through the rush of words, the faint rattle of hysteria that bespeaks a screw loose somewhere.
The Stacks: Grateful Dead I Have Known|Ed McClanahan|August 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
After about an hour, he hears a faint tapping sound from inside the freezer and opens the door.
Robin Williams, Hollywood’s Grand Jester, Is Dead at 63|Marlow Stern|August 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A fine book all around, but not a book for the faint of heart.
The Gestapo Still Sets the Bar for Evil|James A. Warren|July 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And Holmes's comet of 1892 displayed only a faint prismatic band devoid of any characteristic feature.
A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century|Agnes M. (Agnes Mary) Clerke
On the model's face was her faint, impersonal professional smile that seemed to cover something like weariness or contempt.
The Trimmed Lamp|O. Henry
The ringmaster will half step forward to catch you before you faint.
Michael, Brother of Jerry|Jack London
But in another minute the beer had gone to his head, and a faint and even pleasant shiver ran down his spine.
Crime and Punishment|Fyodor Dostoevsky
At the words the girl looked up quickly at her father, a faint realization of his meaning striking her like a blow in the face.