verb (used with object),fa·mil·iar·ized,fa·mil·iar·iz·ing.
to make (onself or another) well-acquainted or conversant with something.
to make (something) well-known; bring into common knowledge or use.
Archaic. to make familiar; establish (a person) in friendly intimacy.
verb (used without object),fa·mil·iar·ized,fa·mil·iar·iz·ing.
Archaic. to associate in a familiar way.
Also especially British, fa·mil·iar·ise .
Origin of familiarize
First recorded in 1600–10; familiar + -ize
SYNONYMS FOR familiarize
1 accustom, acquaint.
OTHER WORDS FROM familiarize
fa·mil·iar·i·za·tion,nounfa·mil·iar·iz·er,nounre·fa·mil·iar·i·za·tion,nounre·fa·mil·iar·ize,verb (used with object),re·fa·mil·iar·ized,re·fa·mil·iar·iz·ing.
Before you strap on a harness, though, Perry recommends taking a few days to familiarize your dog with the equipment, as they may not be comfortable with it at first.
The right way to walk your dog|John Kennedy|August 26, 2020|Popular Science
A good way to familiarize them with the machine, Mychenberg says, is to walk them next to it.
The right way to walk your dog|John Kennedy|August 26, 2020|Popular Science
Over the next four years, he familiarized himself with the Western practice of law through his PhD research and a series of internships at international organizations.
Inside China’s unexpected quest to protect data privacy|Tate Ryan-Mosley|August 19, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Knowledge Panels can also familiarize searchers with your organization and point them to resources they may be looking for, such as your customer service number, social profiles or even your most popular products.
How to get a Knowledge Panel for your brand, even without Wikipedia|George Nguyen|August 3, 2020|Search Engine Land
Councilman Cate should familiarize himself with the laws that govern household employees.
Sacramento Report: Reparations Bill Marches Forward|Sara Libby and Jesse Marx|July 31, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Chen was hastily assigned a public defender who didn't have time to familiarize himself with Chen's case.
Chen Guangcheng Fears Authorities Will Persecute Relatives He Leaves Behind|Melinda Liu|May 8, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Intended to familiarize students with the constellations by comparing them with facsimiles on the lantern face.
Textiles|William H. Dooley
The first step is to familiarize himself with the principal rulers and the principal battles of that time.
Why Worry?|George Lincoln Walton, M.D.
They will also familiarize the reader with the manners, customs, and appearance of the country.
Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos (Vol. 1 of 2)|Henri Mouhot
The idea of the book is good—to familiarize children with the common flowers.
Elizabeth Hobart at Exeter Hall|Jean K. Baird
Teach the student to listen closely to his own voice, and familiarize him with correct models of singing.
The Psychology of Singing|David C. Taylor
British Dictionary definitions for familiarize
/ (fəˈmɪljəˌraɪz) /
to make (oneself or someone else) familiar, as with a particular subject