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[ sil-kee ] / ˈsɪl ki / SEE SYNONYMS FOR silky ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, silk·i·er, silk·i·est.of or like silk; smooth, lustrous, soft, or delicate: silky skin. Botany. covered with fine, soft, closely set hairs, as a leaf. Origin of silkyFirst recorded in 1605–15; silk + -y1 OTHER WORDS FROM silkysilk·i·ly, adverbsilk·i·ness, nounWords nearby silkysilk-tassel, silk tree, silkweed, silkworm, silkworm moth, silky, silky anteater, silky cornel, silky flycatcher, silky oak, silky terrier Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for silkyBut his fingers moved through her silky strands of hair, and then down her neck. Powerful Congressman Writes About ‘Fleshy Breasts’|Asawin Suebsaeng|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST Consider the trashy, silky sweatpants sent down the runway by Jarrar, complete with thick stripes running down the legs. What’s Haute, What’s Not: The Meaning of Modern Couture|Liza Foreman|July 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST Oak, great balance and a good finish with stone fruits and just enough oak to round the wine to a silky smooth feel on the palate. William Shatner Picks His Favorite Wines|William Shatner|July 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST This silky rendition of the 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' theme song is irrepressibly groovy. Viral Video of the Day: Ninja Turtle Slow Jam|The Daily Beast Video|May 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And the kid playing Biggie is a dead ringer for the silky smooth MC. Spike Jonze’s 13 Best Music Videos: Beastie Boys, Kanye West, Fatboy Slim, and More|Marlow Stern|December 22, 2013|DAILY BEAST Some good strains have a mixture of silky coat with the hard, and this is preferable to a woolly coat. Sporting Dogs|Frank Townend Barton The universal veil, if present at all, is seen only on the margin of the pileus like frost or silky dew. The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise|M. E. Hard The heavens became a silky blue, and the stars sprang out in sparkling groups. The Border Watch|Joseph A. Altsheler Soft and silky, yet with firmness of texture, and in subdued coloring, they seem appropriate for any room. Rugs: Oriental and Occidental, Antique & Modern|Rosa Belle Holt Its head is covered with silky curls beneath which two bright eyes are seen.
British Dictionary definitions for silky
adjective silkier or silkiestresembling silk in texture; glossy made of silk (of a voice, manner, etc) suave; smooth botany covered with long fine soft hairssilky leaves Derived forms of silkysilkily, adverbsilkiness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to silkysilken, luxurious, satiny, delicate, sleek, soft, plush, glossy, velvety, silk, tender, cottony |