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[ fi-lis-i-tuhs ] / fɪˈlɪs ɪ təs / SEE SYNONYMS FOR felicitous ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivewell-suited for the occasion, as an action, manner, or expression; apt; appropriate: The chairman's felicitous anecdote set everyone at ease. having a special ability for suitable manner or expression, as a person. Origin of felicitousFirst recorded in 1725–35; felicit(y) + -ous words often confused with felicitousSee fortuitous. OTHER WORDS FROM felicitousfe·lic·i·tous·ly, adverbfe·lic·i·tous·ness, nounnon·fe·lic·i·tous, adjectivenon·fe·lic·i·tous·ly, adverb non·fe·lic·i·tous·ness, nounun·fe·lic·i·tous, adjectiveun·fe·lic·i·tous·ly, adverbun·fe·lic·i·tous·ness, noun WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH felicitousfelicitous , fortuitous, fortunate (see confusables note at fortuitous)Words nearby felicitousFelicia, felicific, felicitate, felicitation, felicitations, felicitous, felicity, felid, feline, feline distemper, feline leukemia virus Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for felicitousWhat a felicitous choice of words: was it a coincidence that the Democratic opponent was a woman? The Indispensible Nancy Pelosi|Robert Shrum|March 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST Sulzberger has been, at times, less than felicitous in his explanations. Arthur Sulzberger's NYT Paywall Defense|Nick Summers|April 6, 2011|DAILY BEAST Numerous problems in statics and mechanics were solved by a felicitous audacity and with a great economy of effort. The Insect|Jules Michelet This poem is written in the heroic metre; and the extracts given do certainly comprise some telling and felicitous lines.
This felicitous epithet, flung out in a generous comparison with his favorite drink, "rum and gum," clung to it ever after. Flip: A California Romance|Bret Harte The square of Pegasus is not a felicitous illustration of the way in which the boundaries of the constellations should be defined. The Story of the Heavens|Robert Stawell Ball My ability to befriend Bunsey was due to a felicitous chain of circumstances. The Romance of an Old Fool|Roswell Field
British Dictionary definitions for felicitous
adjectivewell-chosen; apt possessing an agreeable style producing or marked by happiness Derived forms of felicitousfelicitously, adverbfelicitousness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to felicitoustelling, apt, propitious, opportune, applicable, apposite, apropos, convincing, fit, fitting, germane, happy, inspired, just, meet, neat, pat, pertinent, proper, relevant |