Your new identity involves much bureaucracy—driver’s license, passport, health insurance card must be updated, and so you stop to have your photo taken.
The first murder|Katie McLean|August 19, 2020|MIT Technology Review
This could—according to the official line—improve public services, cut down on voter fraud, and reduce bureaucracy.
Brazil is sliding into techno-authoritarianism|Tate Ryan-Mosley|August 19, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The culprit is bureaucracy—with its authoritarian power structures, suffocating rules, and toxic politicking.
How to break free of bureaucracy in the workplace|Michele Zanini|August 17, 2020|Quartz
That, says Vondracek, is why his experience is a lesson for countries battling with clunky bureaucracies but endowed with the power of a relatively savvy and tech-minded population.
Want to Fix Your Country? Czech This Box|Dan Peleschuk|August 13, 2020|Ozy
That’s particularly true when it comes to the presidency, which oversees a vast federal bureaucracy influencing trillions of dollars in spending.
Oil companies are backing Trump’s re-election after giving heavily to Clinton in 2016|Michael J. Coren|August 7, 2020|Quartz
Depressing is really what Cuba has become—repression, bureaucracy, and crippling poverty.
The Five Best Books on Cuba|William O’Connor, Malcolm Jones|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In other words, what was once a matter of law, however imperfect, is now a matter of bureaucracy.
Homophobia in Russia Is Taking a Kafkaesque Turn|Jay Michaelson|June 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Only in bureaucracy or horror movies do people get in trouble for compelling acts of kindness.
Government Has Made America Inept|Philip K. Howard|May 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
When the mission becomes murky, and operations slow, bureaucracy creeps in to fill the gaps.
How I’ll End the War: My First Week Back in Afghanistan|Nick Willard|May 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The ICAO, a bureaucracy with 191 members, is neither of those things.
It’s Scandalous to Keep Using Black Boxes in Airplanes Like MH370|Clive Irving|April 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Nor can it be persuaded to exchange its birthright for any mess of efficiency-pottage at the hands of the bureaucracy.
The Case For India|Annie Besant
The strength of a democracy is not in bureaucracy, it is in the people and their communities.
Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006|Various
Let us break the Councils if the Bureaucracy does not concede to the demands of the people.
Freedom Through Disobedience|C. R. (Chittaranjan) Das
It was evident that the bureaucracy had been able to obstruct the measure.
The New York Times Current History: the European War, February, 1915|Various
In brief, the whole Russian bureaucracy was honeycombed by German influence.
Bolshevism|John Spargo
British Dictionary definitions for bureaucracy
/ (bjʊəˈrɒkrəsɪ) /
a system of administration based upon organization into bureaus, division of labour, a hierarchy of authority, etc: designed to dispose of a large body of work in a routine manner
government by such a system
government or other officials collectively
any administration in which action is impeded by unnecessary official procedures and red tape
management, ministry, administration, authority, red tape, civil service, government, directorate, officials, officialdom, city hall, beadledom, powers that be, the system
Cultural definitions for bureaucracy
[ (byoo-rok-ruh-see) ]
A formal, hierarchical organization with many levels in which tasks, responsibilities, and authority are delegated among individuals, offices, or departments, held together by a central administration. According to many sociologists and anthropologists, the development of bureaucratic organizations is necessary for the emergence of any modern civilization. (See Max Weber.)
notes for bureaucracy
Today, the term bureaucracy suggests a lack of initiative, excessive adherence to rules and routine, red tape (see also red tape), inefficiency, or, even more serious, an impersonal force dominating the lives of individuals. (See Big Brother is watching you.)