

单词 fiennes

Example sentences from the Web for Fiennes


/ (fiːnz) /


Ralph (Nathanial). born 1962, British actor; his films include Schindler's List (1993), The English Patient (1997), The End of the Affair (2000), Spider (2002), and three films (2005–11) in the Harry Potter series
Sir Ranulph (Twistleton-Wykeham-). born 1944, British explorer; led the first surface journey around the earth's polar axis (1979–82); unsupported crossing of Antarctica (1992–93); in 2003 he raised money for a heart charity by running seven marathons in seven days on seven continents

Words nearby Fiennes

field trip, field winding, fieldwork, fiend, fiendish, Fiennes, fier, fierce, fieri facias, Fierstein, fiery
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