

单词 skase

Example sentences from the Web for Skase

  • Up-and-down men are skase, but the horizontal are less skaser.

    Josh Billings, Hiz Sayings|Henry Wheeler Shaw
  • There was paintin', and poetry, and music—but them warn't of no account in a new country where money was skase.

    The Puddleford Papers,|H. H. Riley
  • "Ay, it mun be skase or else I should ha' had a speciment i' my musaum," Jammie said.

    Lancashire Humour|Thomas Newbigging
  • But schools was skase in them air days, and, besides, book-larnin' don't do no good to a woman.

    The Wit and Humor of America, Volume I. (of X.)|Various


/ (ˈskeɪs) /


do a Skase Australian informal to skip the country while owing a large amount of money

Word Origin for Skase

C20: after the Australian businessman Christopher Skase (1948–2001), who fled Australia after the collapse of his business empire, owing millions of dollars

Words nearby Skase

skank, skanky, skanky-ho, Skara Brae, skarn, Skase, skat, skate, skateboard, skateboarding, skatemobile
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