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[ flat-n ] / ˈflæt n / SEE SYNONYMS FOR flatten ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used with object)to make flat. to knock down: The boxer flattened his opponent in the second round. verb (used without object)Verb Phrasesflatten in, Nautical. flat1 (def. 61). flatten out, Aeronautics. to fly into a horizontal position, as after a dive. Origin of flattenFirst recorded in 1620–30; flat1 + -en1 SYNONYMS FOR flatten2 ground, fell, prostrate, deck, floor. SEE SYNONYMS FOR flatten ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM flattenflat·ten·er, nouno·ver·flat·ten, verb (used with object)un·flat·tened, adjectiveWords nearby flattenflat sour, flat spin, flat spot, flatstick, flat tax, flatten, flatter, flatter oneself, flattery, flattie, flatties Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for flattenHe uses a spatula to flatten the onions and the meat together, creating a broad circular patty with an uneven edge. The Most American Pit Stop in the U.S.A.|Jane & Michael Stern|July 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST They are specifically designed to ‘flatten out and mushroom’ when striking human tissue, and are intended to cause maximum damage. Blacking Out the Oscar Pistorius Media Circus|Kelly Berold|March 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST In a way, the print emphasizes the pelt-like nature of all images, as they flatten out the world and hand it over to us. Live Bear Is World's Biggest Paintbrush|Blake Gopnik|September 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST And, when Fajr-5s began making them run for cover they did not began shouting to "flatten all of Gaza." "The Bubble" Bursting|Orly Halpern|November 21, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Recessions tend to flatten income differentials, but this Great Recession is having the opposite effect. Two Midsummer Fears|David Frum|July 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST The tiles will flatten more or less for the first day or two on the shelves, after which they are rolled. Farm drainage|Henry Flagg French If wanted of a chop-shape, when flat, shape with the hands and strike again to flatten them. Hand-Book of Practical Cookery for Ladies and Professional Cooks|Pierre Blot Now, about a foot back from the end, flatten off a place for the trap and set the trap on the pole. Science of Trapping|Elmer Harry Kreps Systematically, the men began to flatten all of the grass with their paddles and oars. Guilt of the Brass Thieves|Mildred A. Wirt Flatten it by striking with broad blade of knife or a cleaver. The Century Cook Book|Mary Ronald
British Dictionary definitions for flatten
verb(sometimes foll by out) to make or become flat or flatter (tr) informal - to knock down or injure; prostrate
- to crush or subduefailure will flatten his self-esteem
(tr) music to lower the pitch of (a note) by one chromatic semitoneUsual US word: flat (intr foll by out) to manoeuvre an aircraft into horizontal flight, esp after a dive Derived forms of flattenflattener, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to flattencrush, smash, raze, straighten, depress, debase, subdue, floor, grade, compress, plaster, smooth, squash, plane, trample, fell, lay, flush, deflate, abrade |