to move along in a stream: The river flowed slowly to the sea.
to circulate: blood flowing through one's veins.
to stream or well forth: Warmth flows from the sun.
to issue or proceed from a source: Orders flowed from the office.
to menstruate.
to come or go as in a stream: A constant stream of humanity flowed by.
to proceed continuously and smoothly: Melody flowed from the violin.
to hang loosely at full length: Her hair flowed over her shoulders.
to abound in something: The tavern flowed with wine.
to rise and advance, as the tide (opposed to ebb).
verb (used with object)
to cause or permit to flow: to flow paint on a wall before brushing.
to cover with water or other liquid; flood.
an act of flowing.
movement in or as if in a stream.
the rate of flowing.
the volume of fluid that flows through a passage of any given section during a unit of time: Oil flow of the well was 500 barrels a day.
something that flows; stream.
an outpouring or discharge of something, as in a stream: a flow of blood.
an overflowing; flood.
the rise of the tide (opposed to ebb).
Machinery. progressive distortion of a metal object under continuous service at high temperature.
Physics. the transference of energy:heat flow.
Origin of flow
First recorded before 900; (verb) Middle English flowen, Old English flōwan; akin to Middle Low German vlōien, Old Norse flōa; (noun) late Middle English: “surge of a wave,” derivative of the verb
7 run.
9 teem.
synonym study for flow
1. Flow,gush,spout,spurt refer to certain of the movements characteristic of fluids. Flow is the general term: Water flows. A stream of blood flows. To gush is to rush forth copiously from a cavity, in as large a volume as can issue therefrom, as the result of some strong impelling force: The water will gush out if the main breaks.Spout and spurt both imply the ejecting of a liquid from a cavity by some internal impetus given to it. Spout implies a rather steady, possibly well-defined, jet or stream, not necessarily of long duration but always of considerable force: A whale spouts.Spurt implies a forcible, possibly sudden, spasmodic, or intermittent issue or jet: The liquid spurted out suddenly when the bottle cap was pushed in.Spout applies only to liquids; the other terms apply also to gases.
This change could help to crack down on the unmoderated flow of information across groups, which can lead to spam and misinformation spreading quickly.
Facebook tries to clean up Groups with new policies|Sarah Perez|September 17, 2020|TechCrunch
Ominously, the debris flow risk is shown to be high in areas recently burned, such as in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
California wildfires may give way to massive mudslides|Ula Chrobak|September 17, 2020|Popular Science
Greece and Cyprus are part of the EU, while Turkey is central to Europe’s efforts to curb the flow of migrants.
Butterfly Effect: The Next U.S.-Russia Conflict Theater Could be the Mediterranean|Charu Kasturi|September 17, 2020|Ozy
That can include changes in the flow, temperature or saltiness of water, he notes.
Soggy coastal soils? Here’s why ecologists love them|Alison Pearce Stevens|September 17, 2020|Science News For Students
Bridgewater has been moving into gold and inflation-linked bonds in its All Weather portfolio, diversifying the countries it invests in and finding more stocks with stable cash flow.
Ray Dalio issues stark warning about U.S. dollar’s future as global reserve currency|Claire Zillman, reporter|September 16, 2020|Fortune
Ebb and flow, checks and balances, the center would hold, et cetera.
A Veteran’s View: NYC Cold War Between Cops and City Hall|Matt Gallagher|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But before a new tide of tourists can flow from Miami to Havana, Cuba will need to build more runways.