单词 | fob |
释义 | fob1[ fob ] / fɒb / SEE SYNONYMS FOR fob ON THESAURUS.COM nouna small pocket just below the waistline in trousers for a watch, keys, change, etc.Compare watch pocket. a short chain or ribbon, usually with a medallion or similar ornament, attached to a watch and worn hanging from a pocket. the medallion or ornament itself. Origin of fob11645–55; origin uncertain; compare German dialect Fuppe pocket Words nearby fobfoamflower, foam glass, foam rubber, foamy, foamy virus, fob, fob off, FoC, focaccia, focal, focal amyloidosis Definition for fob (2 of 3)fob2 [ fob ] / fɒb / verb (used with object), fobbed, fob·bing.Archaic. to cheat; deceive. Verb Phrasesfob off,
Origin of fob21350–1400; Middle English fobben; cognate with German foppen to delude; cf. fob1 Definition for fob (3 of 3)f.o.b. or F.O.B.abbreviation Commerce.free on board: without charge to the buyer for goods placed on board a carrier at the point of shipment: automobiles shipped f.o.b. Detroit. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for fobBritish Dictionary definitions for fob (1 of 4)fob1 / (fɒb) / nouna chain or ribbon by which a pocket watch is attached to a waistcoat any ornament hung on such a chain a small pocket in a man's waistcoat, for holding a watch a metal or plastic tab on a key ring Word Origin for fobC17: probably of Germanic origin; compare German dialect Fuppe pocket British Dictionary definitions for fob (2 of 4)fob2 / (fɒb) / verb fobs, fobbing or fobbedan archaic word for cheat Word Origin for fobC15: probably from German foppen to trick British Dictionary definitions for fob (3 of 4)fob3 / (fɒb) / nounNZ slang a Pacific Islander who has newly arrived in New Zealand Word Origin for fobC20: from f (resh) o (ff) (the) b (oat) British Dictionary definitions for fob (4 of 4)f.o.b. FOB/ commerce / abbreviation forfree on board Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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