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[ fohk-see ] / ˈfoʊk si / SEE SYNONYMS FOR folksy ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, folk·si·er, folk·si·est.friendly or neighborly; sociable. very informal; familiar; unceremonious: The politician affected a folksy style. belonging to the common people, especially in regard to a conscious use of mannerisms, speech patterns, attitudes, etc.: folksy humor. Origin of folksyAn Americanism dating back to 1850–55; folks + -y1, OTHER WORDS FROM folksyfolk·si·ness, nounWords nearby folksyfolk singer, folk singing, folk society, folk song, folksonomy, folksy, folk tale, folktronica, folkways, folk weave, folky Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for folksyOprah so enjoyed his folksy demeanor and words of wisdom that she invited him onto her show. It’s Time to Turn Off TV Doctors|April Siese|June 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST Jokes aside, the folksy, blunt-talking Republican had a real affinity and passion for the issue. The Anguish of Alan Simpson, Tragic Hero of Immigration Reform|Eleanor Clift|January 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST He relayed a set of facts that make his party's case and demolish the other party's case, and he did it in a folksy way. The 24 and the 42 million, and Basic Competence|Michael Tomasky|September 6, 2012|DAILY BEAST The vice presidential nominee used a folksy style and policy chops to make the case against the incumbent. Paul Ryan’s Wonky Assault on President Obama at the Republican Convention|Howard Kurtz|August 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Prosecutor Joe McGettigan delivered a folksy and powerful opening statement, also standing just six feet in front of the jury box. Jerry Sandusky Trial: The Defense Reveals Its Strategy|Diane Dimond|June 12, 2012|DAILY BEAST She's pretty and I will give in that she's folksy and sociable with us natives; it's surprisin', considerin' her bringin' up. The Rise of Roscoe Paine|Joseph C. Lincoln They're a folksy fam'ly, I40 judge; the kind that can sit around and chat about nothing at all for hours at a time. Torchy As A Pa|Sewell Ford Montgomery is just a comfortable, folksy, neighborly town, small enough to make hypocrisy difficult and unnecessary. Otherwise Phyllis|Meredith Nicholson She liked to be chatty and folksy while she was servin', too. Torchy and Vee|Sewell Ford First thing, I knew he was smilin' folksy straight at me, and liftin' one hand hesitatin', as if he wanted to give me the hail. Shorty McCabe on the Job|Sewell Ford
British Dictionary definitions for folksy
adjective -sier or -siestof or like ordinary people; sometimes used derogatorily to describe affected simplicity informal, mainly US and Canadian friendly; affable of or relating to folk art Derived forms of folksyfolksiness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to folksyrustic, unpretentious, low-key, down-to-earth, homey, cozy, homely, modest, natural, plain, unassuming |