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[ fool-hahr-dee ] / ˈfulˌhɑr di / SEE SYNONYMS FOR foolhardy ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, fool·har·di·er, fool·har·di·est.recklessly or thoughtlessly bold; foolishly rash or venturesome. Origin of foolhardy1175–1225; Middle English folhardy<Old French fol hardi.See fool1, hardy1 SYNONYMS FOR foolhardyimpetuous, headlong, heedless, incautious. SEE SYNONYMS FOR foolhardy ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM foolhardyfool·har·di·ly, adverbfool·har·di·ness, nounWords nearby foolhardyfool, fool around, fool away, foolery, foolfish, foolhardy, fool hen, foolish, foolproof, foolscap, fool's errand Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for foolhardyIt would be foolhardy to end the program without ensuring that we remain safe from attack. Bush Era Republicans Letter Denouncing RNC's NSA Criticism||January 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST Be it safe, be it foolhardy, Snapchat appears to be on fire. Snapchat: Naughty, Goofy, Ethereal, Permanent or All of the Above?|Winston Ross|September 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST Esposito is a loose canon, brash, foolhardy, and possibly crooked. Reading the Detective|David Goodwillie|June 9, 2011|DAILY BEAST What if they did something impulsive and young and foolhardy? The Death of Will-They-or-Won't-They|Jace Lacob|May 23, 2011|DAILY BEAST
“Some might argue that Pawlenty is foolhardy to take the stage in South Carolina with this group,” says the Daily Caller. Pawlenty’s Fox Gamble|Howard Kurtz|May 5, 2011|DAILY BEAST His curiosity was aroused; it did not, however, tempt him to any foolhardy act. The Lone Star Ranger|Zane Grey But his zeal was not tempered by discretion, otherwise he would not have attempted such a foolhardy task. The History of Burke and Hare|George Mac Gregor It was one of those daring enterprises which if successful receive the highest praise, if unsuccessful are scouted as foolhardy. Vermont|Rowland E. Robinson Foolhardy self-reliance says, I shall never be moved (x. 6), and the end of that boast is destruction. The Expositor's Bible: The Psalms, Vol. 1|A. Maclaren The boy felt, however, that to hesitate any longer would be foolhardy in the extreme. Don Hale with the Flying Squadron|W. Crispin Sheppard
British Dictionary definitions for foolhardy
adjective -hardier or -hardiestheedlessly rash or adventurous Derived forms of foolhardyfoolhardily, adverbfoolhardiness, nounWord Origin for foolhardyC13: from Old French fol hardi, from fol foolish + hardi bold Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to foolhardydaring, irresponsible, audacious, bold, adventurous, reckless, imprudent, breakneck, daredevil, devil-may-care, harebrained, headstrong, incautious, madcap, precipitate, temerarious, venturesome, adventuresome, venturous, out on limb |