1, 2. Foolish,fatuous,silly,inane,stupid,asinine imply weakness of intellect and lack of judgment. Foolish implies lack of common sense or good judgment or, sometimes, weakness of mind: a foolish decision; The child seems foolish.Fatuous implies being not only foolish, dull, and vacant in mind, but complacent and highly self-satisfied as well: fatuous and self-important; fatuous answers.Silly denotes extreme and conspicuous foolishness; it may also refer to pointlessness of jokes, remarks, etc.: silly and senseless behavior; a perfectly silly statement.Inane applies to silliness that is notably lacking in content, sense, or point: inane questions that leave one no reply.Stupid implies natural slowness or dullness of intellect, or, sometimes, a benumbed or dazed state of mind; it is also used to mean foolish or silly: well-meaning but stupid; rendered stupid by a blow; It is stupid to do such a thing.Asinine originally meant like an ass; it applies to witlessly stupid conversation or conduct and suggests a lack of social grace or perception: He failed to notice the reaction to his asinine remarks.
Not only that, but a lot of their male family members — brothers, brothers-in-law, and fathers — had volunteered unsolicited opinions about how foolish they had been.
“People want to believe”: How Love Fraud builds an absorbing docuseries around a romantic con man|Alissa Wilkinson|September 4, 2020|Vox
When Christians believe and propagate foolish things like QAnon, they make it even harder for others to listen.
Evangelicals are looking for answers online. They’re finding QAnon instead.|Abby Ohlheiser|August 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review
I think the coronavirus response, which has been incompetent and foolish, has probably also contributed to their grievances.
Why You Should Care About Belarus|Tracy Moran|August 17, 2020|Ozy
In Lukashenko’s Belarus, independent political leaders are seen as brave yet reckless, even foolish, for voluntarily jumping into the spotlight and risking his wrath.
Could She Upset Belarus’ Dictator?|Pallabi Munsi|August 5, 2020|Ozy
By the end of the 1500s, silly was used for “lacking good sense, foolish, irrational, ridiculous.”
Is “Silly” A Positive Or Negative Word?|Candice Bradley|July 24, 2020|Everything After Z
Sweden explores new frontiers in our misguided, foolish, pointless obsession with rating and censoring entertainment.
The Insane Swedish Plan to Rate Games for Sexism|Nick Gillespie|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
One strip, Foolish Grandpa and Sour Henry, shows Grandpa being hit on the head by a sandbag and blown up by dynamite.
The Magazine That Made—and Unmade—Politicians|Anthony Haden-Guest|November 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
McConnell did what he did in 2005, and he was foolish enough to boast about it in public less than two weeks before an election.
Hooray for Liberal Fear-Mongering!|Michael Tomasky|October 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The only thing these “tests” reveal is a window into the foolish psyche of whomever applies them.
Ex-NFL Linebacker: We Talk Around Race, Not About It|Carl Banks|October 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
How foolish to ask what is the best education for one or seven or sixty million souls!
College Must Be More Than Just a Classy Trade School|Michael S. Roth|August 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Now don't be foolish—stay here with Uncle George and the doctor until you cool down.
Kennedy Square|F. Hopkinson Smith
Well, of course the saying is foolish, and sounds doubly ridiculous in this age when people believe in neither God nor devil.
The Sorrows of Satan|Marie Corelli
“That foolish fellow is going to be late,” he muttered, glancing over his paper at the clock on the chimney-piece.
Post Haste|R.M. Ballantyne
I know you'll think I'm foolish, but whenever I look at her portrait I think of him.
The Music Master|Charles Klein
I was foolish drunk,' he says, but there was a look in his eyes that was nasty.