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[ fawr-ij, for- ] / ˈfɔr ɪdʒ, ˈfɒr- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR forage ON THESAURUS.COM
nounfood for horses or cattle; fodder; provender. the seeking or obtaining of such food. the act of searching for provisions of any kind. a raid. verb (used without object), for·aged, for·ag·ing.to wander or go in search of provisions. to search about; seek; rummage; hunt: He went foraging in the attic for old mementos. verb (used with object), for·aged, for·ag·ing.to collect forage from; strip of supplies; plunder: to forage the countryside. to supply with forage. Origin of forage1275–1325; Middle English <Old French fourrage, derivative of fuerre fodder (from Germanic) synonym study for forage1. See feed. OTHER WORDS FROM foragefor·ag·er, nounun·for·aged, adjectiveWords nearby foragefop, foppery, foppish, for, for a change, forage, forage cap, forage mite, foraging, foraging ant, Foraker Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for forageMake him forage, dig it out of the ice, catch the occasional live trout. A Eulogy for Gus, Central Park’s Polar Bear Man of Mystery|Malcolm Jones|August 30, 2013|DAILY BEAST They raise cattle on the grassland, and sow the other half in wheat and forage for the herd. The Texas Drought Seen Firsthand from the Eyes of Ranchers|Malcolm Jones|August 9, 2012|DAILY BEAST They go to the grocery store dumpster to forage for food, find potatoes, butter, and celery. Food Writers Share Thanksgiving Stories|Jessica Ferri|November 24, 2011|DAILY BEAST If he does venture ashore, he goes only a few rods from the bank and then only to forage. The Congo and Coasts of Africa|Richard Harding Davis
The practice of allowing them rations and forage was discontinued. The Life of George Washington, Vol. 3 (of 5)|John Marshall Stopping for breakfast, we borrowed a room and despatched a youngster to forage for a table and eggs. Three Years in Western China|Alexander Hosie Both parties went for wood and forage behind their own camps, neither interrupting the other. The History of Rome, Books 37 to the End|Titus Livius There are no household cares for him; no nest to build, no eggs to warm, no brood to forage for. In the West Country|Francis A. Knight
British Dictionary definitions for forage
nounfood for horses or cattle, esp hay or straw the act of searching for food or provisions military a raid or incursion verbto search (the countryside or a town) for food, provisions, etc (intr) military to carry out a raid (tr) to obtain by searching about (tr) to give food or other provisions to (tr) to feed (cattle or horses) with such food Derived forms of forageforager, nounWord Origin for forageC14: from Old French fourrage, probably of Germanic origin; see food, fodder Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to foragerummage, comb, scour, scrounge, pilfer, rake, raid, grub, beat, hunt, ravage, plunder, explore, seek, ransack, cast about |