A stressed-out katsura often invokes a bakery, giving some seriously delicious hints that your garden might need a tad bit more water.
Why autumn air smells so delicious and sweet|Sara Kiley Watson|October 13, 2020|Popular Science
The bakery, which supplies the brownies for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, was founded by a Zen Buddhist and former aeronautical engineer Bernie Glassman in 1982.
What hiring looks like without resumes, cover letters, or interviews|Jackie Bischof|July 19, 2020|Quartz
He spent eight years cutting and pasting bakeries in different locations for [French bakery] Fauchon.
First Cronuts, Now Sundaes in a Can|Tim Teeman|August 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The other is under a hefty oven in a bakery just a couple yards away.
Israel Had a Secret, Underground Bullet Factory|Nina Strochlic|July 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Outside the bakery of Akram Shahmeh, 42, rocks are flying and tires are burning.
The Seeds of the Next Intifada|Jesse Rosenfeld|July 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“My brother Khaled works in a bakery around the corner from the clashes,” Fathiya Salah Zeidan told The Daily Beast.
The Hanging Judge of Minya, Egypt, Sentences Hundreds to Death|Bel Trew|April 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There was this location in Dresden that was the front of the bakery, that was overwhelmingly beautiful.
The Look of ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’|Andrew Romano|March 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Near it was the bakery, if the mansion required one, supplied with an oven.
The Private Life of the Romans|Harold Whetstone Johnston
Of all the simple people that I ever met, the 'Cajin' takes the bakery.
The Outlet|Andy Adams
They dined at the bakery, flattering themselves that the girl who waited on them did not know that they were lovers.
A Yankee from the West|Opie Read
The two apprentices in Brackett's bakery had a dozen minds about striking that first morning.
The Stillwater Tragedy|Thomas Bailey Aldrich
But I shall do my duty, although I am less at home with the lance or the sword than with the poker of the furnace in my bakery.
The Pilgrim's Shell or Fergan the Quarryman|Eugne Sue
British Dictionary definitions for bakery
/ (ˈbeɪkərɪ) /
Also called: bakehousea room or building equipped for baking