单词 | socialism |
释义 | socialism[ soh-shuh-liz-uhm ] / ˈsoʊ ʃəˌlɪz əm / SEE SYNONYMS FOR socialism ON THESAURUS.COM nouna theory or system of social organization that advocates the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, capital, land, etc., by the community as a whole, usually through a centralized government. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles. VIDEO FOR SOCIALISMWATCH NOW: How To Use The Terms "Socialism" vs. "Communism"Socialism and Communism are two words that fall under the category of: learned it a while ago, probably should know it, but actually don't because these are confusing are hard. So what do these terms mean? Compare utopian socialism. Origin of socialismFirst recorded in 1830–40; social + -ism OTHER WORDS FROM socialismpre·so·cial·ism, nounsem·i·so·cial·ism, nounun·so·cial·ism, nounWords nearby socialismsocial inclusion, social inquiry report, social insurance, Social Insurance Number, social intelligence, socialism, social isolation, socialist, socialistic, Socialist International, Socialist Labor party Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for socialismBritish Dictionary definitions for socialismsocialism / (ˈsəʊʃəˌlɪzəm) / nounan economic theory or system in which the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned by the community collectively, usually through the state. It is characterized by production for use rather than profit, by equality of individual wealth, by the absence of competitive economic activity, and, usually, by government determination of investment, prices, and production levelsCompare capitalism any of various social or political theories or movements in which the common welfare is to be achieved through the establishment of a socialist economic system (in Leninist theory) a transitional stage after the proletarian revolution in the development of a society from capitalism to communism: characterized by the distribution of income according to work rather than need Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Cultural definitions for socialismsocialism An economic system in which the production and distribution of goods are controlled substantially by the government rather than by private enterprise, and in which cooperation rather than competition guides economic activity. There are many varieties of socialism. Some socialists tolerate capitalism, as long as the government maintains the dominant influence over the economy; others insist on an abolition of private enterprise. All communists are socialists, but not all socialists are communists. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. |
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