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[ foun-tn-hed ] / ˈfaʊn tnˌhɛd / SEE SYNONYMS FOR fountainhead ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna fountain or spring from which a stream flows; the head or source of a stream. a chief source of anything: a fountainhead of information. Origin of fountainheadFirst recorded in 1575–85; fountain + head Words nearby fountainheadfoundry type, fount, fountain, fountain decussation, fountain grass, fountainhead, Fountain of Youth, fountain pen, fountain plant, Fountains Abbey, fountain syringe Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for fountainheadIn 1949 his wife Lauren Bacall was slated to star alongside Gary Cooper in the adaptation of Rand's The Fountainhead. Great Weekend Reads|The Daily Beast|April 23, 2011|DAILY BEAST To RJ Eskow of the Campaign for America's Future, his plan is " The Fountainhead meets Death Race 2000." Big-Spending Budget Hawk|Benjamin Sarlin|July 29, 2010|DAILY BEAST Pauline Kael nailed The Fountainhead, both the novel and the film made from it, as “wildly extravagant Kitsch.” Capitalism's Wicked Witch|Allen Barra|November 27, 2009|DAILY BEAST Here is the fountainhead of truth, from which the two great streams of philosophical thought upon morals have diverged. The Expositor's Bible: Ephesians|G. G. Findlay
I think we English folk might learn from them to put more joy into our work, that fountainhead of life and health. The Healthy Life, Vol. V, Nos. 24-28|Various To quaff at the fountainhead unlimited draughts from the rich cup of pleasure! Fiesco or, The Genoese Conspiracy|Friedrich Schiller In war everything is very simple, wrote Clausewitz, the fountainhead of the modern system. The War With Mexico, Volume I (of 2)|Justin H. Smith French Gothic churches are a fountainhead, and should rank first. How France Built Her Cathedrals|Elizabeth Boyle O'Reilly
British Dictionary definitions for fountainhead
nouna spring that is the source of a stream a principal or original source Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to fountainheadoriginator, administrator, generator, author, spring, builder, creator, father, leader, mother, maker, architect, fount, fountain, wellspring, initiator |