[ uh -trak -tiv-nis ] SHOW IPA
/ əˈtræk tɪv nɪs / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the quality of being pleasing, charming, or alluring, especially in appearance or manner: the attractiveness of his kind smile and mellow voice; floral arrangements judged on quality and attractiveness.
the capacity to arouse interest or engage one's thought, consideration, etc.: Rarity has increased these coins’ attractiveness to collectors.
Origin of attractiveness First recorded in 1620–40; attractive + -ness
OTHER WORDS FROM attractiveness un·at·trac·tive·ness, noun Words nearby attractiveness attractancy, attractant, attraction, attraction sphere, attractive, attractiveness , attractive nuisance, attractor, attrib., attribute, attributes
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for attractiveness She writes, “In your early 20s, you are at the peak of your attractiveness and your fertility.”
Why Some Women Should Listen To Princeton Mom (But Not All Of Us) | Keli Goff| March 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I know, for example, that there's an internal Ethiopian hierarchy of attractiveness related to skin tone.
Israel’s Ethiopian Beauty Queen Sparks Debate | Don Futterman| April 12, 2013| DAILY BEAST
And how common is an attractiveness gap in American couples?
The Ugly Husbands Club | Tony Doukopil| July 29, 2011| DAILY BEAST
And at the height of my attractiveness they worked great for me.
Kathleen Turner's New Broadway High | Kevin Sessums| April 17, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Attractiveness is not exactly a qualification for judicial office.
Why Elena Kagan's Looks Matter | Deborah L. Rhode| June 26, 2010| DAILY BEAST
The participation of the Cushman sisters in this entertainment greatly enhanced its interest and attractiveness .
William E. Burton: Actor, Author, and Manager | William L. Keese
Besides, I am quite ready to admit the attractiveness of the little Japanese children; some of them are most fascinating.
Madame Chrysantheme Complete | Pierre Loti
This attractiveness continues to the summit, which is capped, as it were, with the official residence and forts.
Seven Legs Across the Seas | Samuel Murray
Mr. Bush's strong and life-like illustrations add much to the attractiveness of the book.
Queer Stories for Boys and Girls | Edward Eggleston
It need hardly be said that these stories have a peculiar charm and attractiveness for children.
Special Method in Primary Reading and Oral Work with Stories | Charles Alexander McMurry
Words related to attractiveness allure, pull, lure, appeal, fascination, magnetism, draw, glamour, enchantment, charisma, charm, enticement, allurement, inducement, captivation