

单词 solarize


[ soh-luh-rahyz ]
/ ˈsoʊ ləˌraɪz /

verb (used with object), so·lar·ized, so·lar·iz·ing.

Photography. to reverse (an image) partially, as from negative to positive, by exposure to light during development.
to adapt (a building) to the use of solar energy: We hope to solarize our house within five years.
to affect by sunlight.

verb (used without object), so·lar·ized, so·lar·iz·ing.

Photography. (of material) to become injured by overexposure.
Also especially British, so·lar·ise .

Origin of solarize

First recorded in 1850–55; solar1 + -ize


so·lar·i·za·tion, noun

Words nearby solarize

solar heating, solar house, solarimeter, solarism, solarium, solarize, solar mass, solar month, solar myth, solar neutrino unit, solar panel
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for solarize

  • This will shorten the time in the camera nearly five minutes; but it requires care, as it is apt to solarize.

    Notes and Queries, Number 203, September 17, 1853|Various

British Dictionary definitions for solarize



/ (ˈsəʊləˌraɪz) /

verb (tr)

to treat by exposure to the sun's rays
photog to reverse some of the tones of (a negative or print) and introduce pronounced outlines of highlights, by exposing it briefly to light after developing and washing, and then redeveloping
to expose (a patient) to the therapeutic effects of solar or ultraviolet light

Derived forms of solarize

solarization or solarisation, noun
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