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[ french-woom-uhn ] / ˈfrɛntʃˌwʊm ən /
noun, plural French·wom·en.a woman who is a native or inhabitant of the French nation. Origin of FrenchwomanFirst recorded in 1585–95; French + woman Words nearby FrenchwomanFrenchweed, French West Africa, French West Indies, French window, French windows, Frenchwoman, Frenchy, Freneau, frenectomy, frenemy, Frenet formula Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for FrenchwomanWith a bit of prompting from him, I do catch hints of “a Frenchwoman in cheap jasmine perfume, smoking a cigarette.” NY Museum Stages First ‘Scent’ Exhibit|Blake Gopnik|November 2, 2012|DAILY BEAST Here was a man who could tell them something of the old Frenchwoman, at last! She was a Frenchwoman, a beauty, and a little—a very little—of a coquette. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 450|Various Were she a Frenchwoman she would have said, But, sir, you are droll.
You cannot understand that, my child, you who are not a Frenchwoman. The Garden of Swords|Max Pemberton I own to you I could not understand a Frenchwoman sitting her horse in this fashion. The Dodd Family Abroad, Vol. II.(of II)|Charles James Lever