frequency distribution, frequency-division multiplex, frequency modulation, frequency polygon, frequency response, frequent, frequentation, frequentative, frequent flier, frequently, frère
Due to climate change, the wetland will experience more frequent periods of extended drought in the future, according to a 2020 study published in PLOS One.
What wildfires in Brazil, Siberia, and the US West have in common|Lili Pike|September 17, 2020|Vox
The most frequent use of this strategy, though, has to do with unrest at racial-justice protests.
Trump’s increasingly overt effort to pretend Biden is actually president|Aaron Blake|September 16, 2020|Washington Post
The ENV135B from Nespresso is an ideal choice for coffee drinkers and hard workers who throw back multiple cups a day and don’t want to deal with frequent tank refilling.
The best quick-brew coffee machines|PopSci Commerce Team|September 10, 2020|Popular Science
After finding that through a friend or family member was the most frequent response, Lalo wanted to incentivize customers to give recommendations more frequently.
After record sales, DTC startups are focusing on retention|Anna Hensel|September 4, 2020|Digiday
In all cases, maintaining an edge’s sharpness with frequent touch-ups will be easier than trying to restore a dull edge.
Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Knife|Wes Siler|September 3, 2020|Outside Online
Think of it as a frequent buyer program for personal karma, or a spiritual band-aid.
The Buddhist Business of Poaching Animals for Good Karma|Brendon Hong|December 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As a major source for steel during World War II, Sheffield was a frequent target of bombing raids.
The Greatest Rock Voice of All Time Belonged to Joe Cocker|Ted Gioia|December 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I inherited the Arnold Family Thunder ThighsTM, which was a source of frequent teasing and distress for me as a child.
You’re Never ‘Cured’ of an Eating Disorder|Carrie Arnold|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It shows what the experience of any frequent flyer already demonstrates.
Beer Countries vs. Wine Countries|Clive Irving|December 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She married an architect and their children, Dialta as well as another daughter and two sons, were frequent guests at La Pietra.
In Tussle Over Will, Mistress’s Family Takes a Bite Out of NYU|Anthony Haden-Guest|November 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Sometimes, however, a more than usual vividness of conception will make up for the want of this frequent coxistence.
Mental Philosophy: Including the Intellect, Sensibilities, and Will|Joseph Haven
He thought much of eternity, and was frequent in secret prayer.
Sermons of Christmas Evans|Joseph Cross
Their frequent perusal made me so moody and introspective that my mother hid them from me and gradually I forgot all about them.
Against the Current|Edward A. Steiner
In recent times failures of banks and merchants have been frequent.
Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official|William Sleeman
Justice, moreover, with its frequent employment of trial by combat, did not essentially differ from private war.