The lack of access has been a sore point within the SEC for the past decade.
How Tesla led the way for Chinese rival Xpeng’s $1.5 billion IPO|eamonbarrett|August 28, 2020|Fortune
The man had a fever, cough, sore throat and headache for three days in March.
A Hong Kong man got the new coronavirus twice|Erin Garcia de Jesus|August 26, 2020|Science News For Students
The first time the man was infected, he had a fever, cough, sore throat and headache for three days.
A man in Hong Kong is the first confirmed case of coronavirus reinfection|Erin Garcia de Jesus|August 24, 2020|Science News
The volunteers who got it developed sore arms and other side effects that wouldn’t give away that they had not received the coronavirus vaccine.
New COVID-19 vaccines show promise in people|Tina Hesman Saey|July 24, 2020|Science News For Students
The meningococcal vaccine is safe and was used as a comparison group instead of a placebo so that volunteers got sore arms and other side effects that wouldn’t give away that they were in a comparison group.
COVID-19 vaccines by Oxford, CanSino and Pfizer all trigger immune responses|Tina Hesman Saey|July 21, 2020|Science News
But for the real Mark Schultz, whom Tatum plays in the film Foxcatcher, it has become a sore point.
Wrestler Mark Schultz Hates the ‘Sickening and Insulting Lies’ of ‘Foxcatcher’|Rich Goldstein|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It's always been the same: Tim Stoddard has a sore arm and they believe him.
Will the Real Jim Palmer Please Stand Up|Tom Boswell|September 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Lately, Richard Dawkins seems to scan the world for sore spots, take a good poke, and revel in the ensuing outcry.
Richard Dawkins Would Fail Philosophy 101|Elizabeth Picciuto|August 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
After ONE practice session on a wooden horse my arm and legs were sore days later.