[ froh -zuh n ] SHOW IPA
verb past participle of freeze.
adjective congealed by cold; turned into ice.
covered with ice, as a stream.
frigid; very cold.
injured or killed by frost or cold.
obstructed by ice, as pipes.
chilly or cold in manner; unfeeling: a frozen stare.
rigid; immobilized: The child was frozen with fear.
quick-frozen: frozen foods.
(of food) chilled or refrigerated.
(especially of a drink) mixed with ice and frappéed in an electric blender.
in a form that is not readily convertible into cash; not liquid: frozen assets.
not permitted to be changed or incapable of being altered; fixed: frozen rents; frozen salaries.
Canasta . (of the discard pile) unable to be picked up by a player unless the player's hand contains a natural pair to match the top card of the pile. Compare freeze (def. 30a)
OTHER WORDS FROM frozen fro·zen·ly, adverb fro·zen·ness, noun pre·fro·zen, adjective un·fro·zen, adjective Words nearby frozen frowsty, frowsy, frowzy, fro-yo, froze, frozen , frozen custard, frozen daiquiri, frozen pelvis, frozen pudding, frozen section
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for frozen That concept also explains why frozen meat defrosts faster in water than in air.
Busy beavers may be speeding thaw of Arctic permafrost | Kathiann Kowalski| August 31, 2020| Science News For Students
The virus’s tendency to survive longer in the cold bolstered New Zealand’s frozen food shipment theory.
Mystery of New Zealand’s new COVID outbreak deepens as it rules out primary suspect | Naomi Xu Elegant| August 18, 2020| Fortune
The planet turned dwarf planet is pretty much an ice ball, with a surface that’s 98% frozen nitrogen and mountains made of water ice.
The 5 best places to explore in the solar system—besides Mars | Neel Patel| August 17, 2020| MIT Technology Review
It’s kind of like a cross between sangria, a slushy and a daiquiri, with rum, wine, triple sec and frozen fruit.
This Weekend: A Sangria Slushie Summer | Fiona Zublin| August 7, 2020| Ozy
Scientists reason that the faintness of the young sun should have meant that Earth remained frozen solid for the first half of its existence.
How Earth’s Climate Changes Naturally (and Why Things Are Different Now) | Howard Lee| July 21, 2020| Quanta Magazine
Defrost overnight in the refrigerator (if frozen ) and bake before serving.
Make These Barefoot Contessa Chicken Pot Pies | Ina Garten| November 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Stir in the frozen peas and chicken, taste for seasonings, and pour the mixture into six (2-cup) ovenproof serving bowls.
Make These Barefoot Contessa Chicken Pot Pies | Ina Garten| November 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Without it in the atmosphere, the Earth would be a barren, frozen wasteland.
Extreme Weather? Blame the End Times | Jay Michaelson| November 28, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Since then, all dividend payments have been frozen and Iran receives “no uranium or revenue from the mine.”
McCain Helps a Business Partner of Iran | Ben Jacobs| November 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
He was later sued by his lawyers in London for failing to pay $419,400 in counsel fees when his assets were frozen .
The Mysterious Death of the Art World’s Favorite Sheikh | Lizzie Crocker| November 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Gray Cloud, in a trance, might already have frozen to death.
They availed themselves of a very hard winter to penetrate into the land over the frozen water.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 5 | Various
Frozen punch, when served, comes between the meat and game courses.
The Century Cook Book | Mary Ronald
Flying in and out of the briar-thickets are innumerable white-throated sparrows fleeing from frozen Canada and the lake country.
Birds and Nature Vol. 11 No. 1 [January 1902] | Various
The man, who is frozen to death, knows nothing of the cruelties of northern cold.
Lords of the North | A. C. Laut
British Dictionary definitions for frozen verb the past participle of freeze
adjective turned into or covered with ice
obstructed or blocked by ice
killed, injured, or stiffened by extreme cold
(of a region or climate) icy or snowy
(of food) preserved by a freezing process
(of prices, wages, etc) arbitrarily pegged at a certain level (of business assets) not convertible into cash, as by government direction or business conditions frigid, unfeeling, or disdainful in manner
motionless or unyielding he was frozen with horror
Derived forms of frozen frozenly , adverb frozenness , noun Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to frozen ice-cold, icy, frigid, chilled, iced, fixed, numb, frosted, petrified, rooted, suspended, pegged, arctic, antarctic, icebound, stock-still