The technology prevents brief silence between songs, which could frustrate listeners and cause them to switch to a rival.
How A.I. is playing a bigger role in music streaming than you ever imagined|jonathanvanian2015|October 2, 2020|Fortune
Rivera has grown increasingly frustrated by the response to the pandemic from many industry leaders.
Eric Rivera Is Playing the Game|Alberto Perez|October 1, 2020|Eater
It is in the shadow of that rule that so many of our other policy debates come to naught, leaving voters frustrated and confused.
The definitive case for ending the filibuster|Ezra Klein|October 1, 2020|Vox
As a first-year graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, Manthiram remembers being frustrated that his experiments weren’t turning out as expected.
This year’s SN 10 scientists aim to solve some of science’s biggest challenges|Science News Staff|September 30, 2020|Science News
The class was especially intrigued by recent molecular analysis of pottery, yet frustrated by the brevity of the studies done to date on the topic.
Studying clay-pot residues could help scientists recreate ancient recipes|Jennifer Ouellette|September 29, 2020|Ars Technica
The delays would cause chaos and snarl traffic at checkpoints, frustrate orderly schedules, and make tempers short.
Iraqi Insurgents Circulate the Lie That They Killed the Judge in Saddam’s Trial|Michael Newton|June 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Such side-stepping will frustrate newcomers in search of elucidation, or at the very least a fuller picture.
John Sutherland‘s Enjoyable Little History of Literature|Malcolm Forbes|November 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The federal and state governments create cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all solutions that frustrate rather than serve.
How Cities Are Fixing America|Bruce Katz, Jennifer Bradley|June 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
As a result, using the language of war may only serve to frustrate and mislead the public.
Why The U.S. Is Not In A Cyber War|Ian Wallace|March 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But deadlock in Congress, with the focus on debt instead of demand, continues to frustrate the recovery.
Join the Manifesto for Global Economic Recovery|The Daily Beast|July 5, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Frus′trative, tending to frustrate; Frus′tratory, disappointing.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 2 of 4: E-M)|Various
Her hand was caught, however, by Meestagoosh, in time to frustrate her intention.
Ungava|R.M. Ballantyne
Time was when a year drew its slow length of toil and anxiety and ever frustrate waiting.
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft|George Gissing
Who knows what may still happen to frustrate our present designs?
Memoirs of Miss Sidney Biddulph|Frances Sheridan
By this we can easily see, that at the outset they were anxious to frustrate the discussion.
The Life of Philip Melanchthon|Karl Friedrich Ledderhose
British Dictionary definitions for frustrate
/ (frʌˈstreɪt) /
to hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of; thwart
to upset, agitate, or tireher constant complaints began to frustrate him
archaicfrustrated or thwarted; baffled
Derived forms of frustrate
frustrater, noun
Word Origin for frustrate
C15: from Latin frustrāre to cheat, from frustrā in error