

单词 fulani


[ foo-lah-nee, foo-lah- ]
/ ˈfu lɑ ni, fʊˈlɑ- /

noun, plural Fu·la·nis, (especially collectively) Fu·la·ni for 1.

Also Fulah [foo-lah] /ˈfu lɑ/ . a member of a pastoral and nomadic people of mixed African and Mediterranean ancestry, scattered through western Africa from Senegal to Cameroon.
the language of the Fulani, a Niger-Congo language closely related to Wolof.
Also Ful [fool], /fʊl/, Fula [foo-luh, fool-uh], /ˈfu lə, ˈfʊl ə/, (French) Peul [pool, French pœl] /pul, French pœl/ .

Words nearby Fulani

Fukushima, Fukuyama, Ful, Fula, Fulah, Fulani, Fulani Empire, Fulbright, Fulbright Act, Fulbright scholarships, fulcrum
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for Fulani

/ (fuːˈlɑːnɪ, ˈfuːlənɪ) /


the language of the Fula, belonging to the West Atlantic branch of the Niger-Congo family, widely used as a trade pidgin in W Africa
plural -nis or -ni another name for Fula (def. 1)
plural -nis or -ni a humped breed of cattle from W Africa


of or relating to the Fula or their language
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