单词 | fuse |
释义 | fuse1[ fyooz ] / fyuz / SEE SYNONYMS FOR fuse ON THESAURUS.COM nouna tube, cord, or the like, filled or saturated with combustible matter, for igniting an explosive. fuze (def. 1). verb (used with object), fused, fus·ing.fuze (def. 3). Idioms for fusehave a short fuse, Informal. to anger easily; have a quick temper. Origin of fuse11635–45; <Italian fuso<Latin fūsus spindle OTHER WORDS FROM fusefuseless, adjectivefuselike, adjectiveWords nearby fusefusain, Fusan, fusarium, fusarium wilt, fuscous, fuse, fuse box, fused kidney, fused quartz, fusee, fuselage Definition for fuse (2 of 2)fuse2 [ fyooz ] / fyuz / nounElectricity. a protective device, used in an electric circuit, containing a conductor that melts under heat produced by an excess current, thereby opening the circuit.Compare circuit breaker. verb (used with object), fused, fus·ing.to combine or blend by melting together; melt. to unite or blend into a whole, as if by melting together: The author skillfully fuses these fragments into a cohesive whole. verb (used without object), fused, fus·ing.to become liquid under the action of heat; melt: At a relatively low temperature the metal will fuse. to become united or blended: The two groups fused to create one strong union. Chiefly British. to overload an electric circuit so as to burn out a fuse. Origin of fuse21675–85; from Latin fūsus “melted, poured, cast,” past participle of fundere synonym study for fuse2. See melt1. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for fuseBritish Dictionary definitions for fuse (1 of 2)fuse1 US fuze/ (fjuːz) / nouna lead of combustible black powder in a waterproof covering (safety fuse), or a lead containing an explosive (detonating fuse), used to fire an explosive charge any device by which an explosive charge is ignited blow a fuse See blow 1 (def. 12) verb(tr) to provide or equip with such a fuse Derived forms of fusefuseless, adjectiveWord Origin for fuseC17: from Italian fuso spindle, from Latin fūsus British Dictionary definitions for fuse (2 of 2)fuse2 / (fjuːz) / verbto unite or become united by melting, esp by the action of heatto fuse borax and copper sulphate at a high temperature to become or cause to become liquid, esp by the action of heat; melt to join or become combined; integrate (tr) to equip (an electric circuit, plug, etc) with a fuse British to fail or cause to fail as a result of the blowing of a fusethe lights fused nouna protective device for safeguarding electric circuits, etc, containing a wire that melts and breaks the circuit when the current exceeds a certain value Word Origin for fuseC17: from Latin fūsus melted, cast, poured out, from fundere to pour out, shed; sense 5 influenced by fuse 1 Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Idioms and Phrases with fusefuse see blow a fuse. The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Scientific definitions for fusefuse [ fyōōz ] NounA safety device that protects an electric circuit from becoming overloaded. Fuses contain a length of thin wire (usually of a metal alloy) that melts and breaks the circuit if too much current flows through it. They were traditionally used to protect electronic equipment and prevent fires, but have largely been replaced by circuit breakers. A cord of readily combustible material that is lighted at one end to carry a flame along its length to detonate an explosive at the other end. VerbTo melt something, such as metal or glass, by heating. To blend two or more substances by melting. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. |
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