the act or process of fusing; the state of being fused.
that which is fused; the result of fusing: A ballet production is the fusion of many talents.
a coalition of parties or factions.
(initial capital letter)the political party resulting from such a coalition.
Also called nu·cle·ar fu·sion[noo-klee-er fyoo-zhuhn] /ˈnu kli ər ˈfyu ʒən/ .Physics. a thermonuclear reaction in which nuclei of light atoms join to form nuclei of heavier atoms, as the combination of deuterium atoms to form helium atoms.Compare fission (def. 2).
Also called bin·oc·u·lar fu·sion[buh-nok-yuh-ler fyoo-zhuhn]. /bəˈnɒk yə lər ˈfyu ʒən/. the correct blending of the images of both eyes.
the perception of rapid, intermittent flashes of light as a continuous beam.
popular music that is a blend of two styles, especially a combining of jazz with either rock, classical music, or such ethnic elements as Brazilian or Japanese music.
Linguistics. the merging of linguistic elements, especially morphemes, usually accompanied by a change in the form of the elements.
(of food or cooking) combining usually widely differing ethnic or regional ingredients, styles, or techniques: a restaurant serving French-Thai fusion cuisine; a fusion menu.
Origin of fusion
First recorded in 1545–55; from Latin fūsiōn- (stem of fūsiō ) “a pouring out, melting”; see fuse2, -ion;def. 4 was first recorded in 1945–50
The researchers also asked participants various questions about their political beliefs, and administered them a short scale seeking to measure their level of “identity fusion.”
The Anonymous Culture Cops of the Internet - Facts So Romantic|Jesse Singal|August 12, 2020|Nautilus
The only catch is that trying to contain a nuclear fusion reaction is like trying to keep the sun in a box.
Construction of the World’s Biggest Nuclear Fusion Plant Just Started in France|Edd Gent|August 3, 2020|Singularity Hub
The other group of fusion reactions is the CNO cycle, for carbon, nitrogen and oxygen — elements that allow the reactions to proceed.
Physicists spot a new class of neutrinos from the sun|Emily Conover|June 24, 2020|Science News
Locals have been trained to find meteorites by looking for the presence of a fusion crust on a rock, which is formed when the exterior of the meteor melts upon entering the Earth’s atmosphere.
Meteorites From Mars Contain Clues About the Red Planet’s Geology|Arya Udry|June 17, 2020|Singularity Hub
They include strangely fused teeth and a pattern of fusion in its skull.
This dinosaur was no bigger than a hummingbird|Carolyn Gramling|April 13, 2020|Science News For Students
In the last year, her fusion exercise class has attracted a cult following and become de rigueur among the celebrity set.
How Taryn Toomey’s ‘The Class’ Became New York’s Latest Fitness Craze|Lizzie Crocker|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
As the fusion of Indian and Spanish tradition evolved, public festivities took a commercial turn.
New Orleans’ Carnivalesque Day of the Dead|Jason Berry|November 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Moderator Alicia Menendez, an anchor on the Fusion network, asked about the influence of her children.
Live from San Antonio: Women in the World Texas!|Women in the World|October 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Exclusive content from the event will air on Fusion's primetime program “Alicia Menendez Tonight” (weeknights at 9:00 p.m.).
Ehsan's fusion of artforms is a winning emblem of the happy marriage of fashion and art.
She's Got the Look: How Pari Ehsan Marries Fashion and Art|Allison McNearney|August 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In this case the fusion curves will have the simple form shown in type I, Fig. 63.
The Phase Rule and Its Applications|Alexander Findlay
Now, there is not, besides heat or fusion, any known power in nature by which these effects might be produced.
Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4)|James Hutton
A very decided change in the specific gravity was found to take place after fusion.
Etna|G. F. Rodwell
Is it in their having been brought into a fluid state of fusion.
Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4)|James Hutton
The fusion was marked by a memorable change in the name of the land.
History of the English People, Volume I (of 8)|John Richard Green
British Dictionary definitions for fusion
/ (ˈfjuːʒən) /
the act or process of fusing or melting together; union
the state of being fused
something produced by fusing
See nuclear fusion
the merging of juxtaposed speech sounds, morphemes, or words
a coalition of political parties or other groups, esp to support common candidates at an election
a kind of popular music that is a blend of two or more styles, such as jazz and funk
psycholthe processing by the mind of elements falling on the two eyes so that they yield a single percept
(modifier)relating to a style of cooking which combines traditional Western techniques and ingredients with those used in Eastern cuisinefusion cuisine; fusion food
Word Origin for fusion
C16: from Latin fūsiō a pouring out, melting, casting, from fundere to pour out, found ³
The joining together of atomic nuclei, especially hydrogen or other light nuclei, to form a heavier nucleus, especially a helium nucleus. Fusion occurs when plasmas are heated to extremely high temperatures, forcing the nuclei to collide at great speed. The resulting unstable nucleus emits one or more neutrons at very high speeds, releasing more energy than was required to fuse the nuclei, thereby making chain-reactions possible, since the reaction is exothermic. Fusion reactions are the source of the energy in the Sun and in other stars, and in hydrogen bombs. See also fission.
A mixture or blend formed by fusing two or more things.