Example sentences from the Web for G20 Lavrov said the G8 has been superseded by the G20 , a bigger club.
Obama’s Nuclear Summit Aimed to Stop Terrorists. Now Putin’s the Issue. | Christopher Dickey, Jamie Dettmer, Nadette De Visser| March 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Putin thumbed his nose at Obama and the rest of the world during the G20 summit.
Russia’s Cynical Foreign Policy Play | Peter Pomerantsev| September 9, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The first day of the G20 summit made it clear that the Russian president feels that he owns the debate.
Nina Khrushcheva on the Importance of the G20 in St. Petersburg | Nina Khrushcheva| September 6, 2013| DAILY BEAST
This animosity is now on full display at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg.
Nina Khrushcheva on the Importance of the G20 in St. Petersburg | Nina Khrushcheva| September 6, 2013| DAILY BEAST
abbreviation for Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
Words nearby G20 fytte, F.Z.S., g, G10, G1 phase, G20 , G24, G2 phase, G3, G5, G7
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