[ gag ] SHOW IPA
verb (used with object), gagged, gag·ging. to stop up the mouth of (a person) by putting something in it, thus preventing speech, shouts, etc.
to restrain by force or authority from freedom of speech; silence.
to fasten open the jaws of, as in surgical operations.
to cause to retch or choke.
Metalworking . to straighten or bend (a bar, rail, etc.) with a gag.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used without object), gagged, gag·ging. noun something put into a person's mouth to prevent speech, shouting, etc.
any forced or arbitrary suppression of freedom of speech.
a surgical instrument for holding the jaws open.
Metalworking . a shaped block of steel used with a press to straighten or bend a bar, rail, etc.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of gag 1 First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English gaggen “to strangle, suffocate”; perhaps imitative of the sound made in choking; compare Old Norse adjective gag-háls “with the neck thrown back”
SYNONYMS FOR gag 2 curb, stifle; suppress.
Words nearby gag gaff rig, gaff-rigged, gaff sail, gaff topsail, gaff-topsail catfish, gag , gaga, gagaku, Gagarin, Gagauzi, gag-bit
Definition for gag (2 of 3) [ gag ] SHOW IPA
Informal .noun a joke, especially one introduced into a script or an actor's part.
any contrived piece of wordplay or horseplay.
verb (used without object), gagged, gag·ging. to tell jokes or make amusing remarks.
to introduce gags in acting.
to play on another's credulity, as by telling false stories.
verb (used with object), gagged, gag·ging. to introduce usually comic interpolations into (a script, an actor's part, or the like) (usually followed by up ).
Origin of gag 2 First recorded in 1770–80; perhaps special use of gag1
Definition for gag (3 of 3) [ gag ] SHOW IPA
noun, plural (especially collectively ) gag, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species ) gags. a serranid game fish, Mycteroperca microlepsis, found along the southeastern coast of the United States.
any of several related fishes.
Origin of gag 3 An Americanism dating back to 1880–85; origin uncertain
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for gag These letters, which are the subject of ongoing constitutional disputes in federal courts, allow the FBI to include a gag order with demands for data—barring the company from even disclosing the existence of such a request.
Coinbase received 1,914 requests in 6 months from FBI, ICE, and other agencies | Jeff| October 16, 2020| Fortune
It is critical for the Kenyan government to look to its own policies and increase budgetary allocation for sexual and reproductive health services so that they cushion the impact of the global gag rule.
Insights Into How The US Abortion Gag Rule Affects Health Services In Kenya | LGBTQ-Editor| October 2, 2020| No Straight News
The initial indications are that, at least to date, publishers are underwhelmed by the economics and offended by the gag order.
‘Quite cynical’: Publishers leery about Google’s $1 billion news licensing pot | Lucinda Southern| October 1, 2020| Digiday
But when a serial sex predator is playing fanboy, the gag reflex kicks in.
Sleazy Billionaire’s Double Life Featured Beach Parties With Stephen Hawking | M.L. Nestel| January 8, 2015| DAILY BEAST
They obtained a gag order against the defendant and his lawyers restricting what they could say about the case for several months.
Sentencing Looms for Barrett Brown, Advocate for “Anonymous” | Kevin M. Gallagher| December 15, 2014| DAILY BEAST
And bonus points for the school bus that burst into flames with the comic timing of a Simpsons gag .
The Walking Dead’s ‘Self Help’: A Grim Show Displays Its Comedy Streak, and A Major Reveal | Melissa Leon| November 10, 2014| DAILY BEAST
In the convention, Washington scrupulously followed the gag rule, so his thoughts on the proceedings are somewhat unknown.
Washington’s Wheeler-Dealer Patriotism | William O’Connor| October 31, 2014| DAILY BEAST
“We blew up an entire planet, just for a Doofenshmirtz gag ,” laughs Povenmire.
‘Phineas and Ferb’ Pilot Disney’s Premier Voyage into ‘Star Wars’ | Jason Lynch| July 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The "Be Discreet" of the Beard was a gag , which he rolled round the servant's head in expert fashion.
Messengers of Evil | Pierre Souvestre
He saw himself seized by servants, trussed, and taken into a cellar with a gag in his mouth.
The Red and the Black | Stendhal
The effects of the chloroform were wearing off, but the gag kept him silent, and the ropes bound his hands and feet.
Baseball Joe in the Big League | Lester Chadwick
Muggs waved his head from side to side and caused the gag to slip again.
The Black Star | Johnston McCulley
The cloth of the gag would be eaten, too, but by that time, there would be no flesh under it from which a scream might come.
Happy Ending | Fredric Brown
British Dictionary definitions for gag (1 of 2) verb gags , gagging or gagged (tr) to stop up (a person's mouth), esp with a piece of cloth, etc, to prevent him or her from speaking or crying out
(tr) to suppress or censor (free expression, information, etc)
to retch or cause to retch
(intr) to struggle for breath; choke
(tr) to hold (the jaws) of (a person or animal) apart with a surgical gag
(tr) to apply a gag-bit to (a horse)
be gagging for or be gagging to slang to be very eager to have or do something
SEE MORE SEE LESS noun a piece of cloth, rope, etc, stuffed into or tied across the mouth
any restraint on or suppression of information, free speech, etc
a surgical device for keeping the jaws apart, as during a tonsillectomy
parliamentary procedure another word for closure (def. 4)
SEE MORE SEE LESS Word Origin for gag C15 gaggen ; perhaps imitative of a gasping sound
British Dictionary definitions for gag (2 of 2) noun a joke or humorous story, esp one told by a professional comedian
a hoax, practical joke, etc he did it for a gag
verb gags , gagging or gagged (intr) to tell jokes or funny stories, as comedians in nightclubs, etc
(often foll by up) theatre to interpolate lines or business not in the actor's stage part, usually comic and improvised to perform a stage jest, either spoken or based on movement Word Origin for gag C19: perhaps special use of gag 1
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to gag trick, hoax, wisecrack, quip, ruse, muzzle, constrain, choke, suppress, witticism, wile, drollery, jest, crack, obstruct, shy, stifle, throttle, muffle, balk
Medical definitions for gag v. To choke, retch, or undergo a regurgitative spasm.
To prevent from talking.
n. An instrument adjusted between the teeth to keep the mouth from closing during operations in the mouth or throat.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.