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[ spahr-kler ] / ˈspɑr klər / SEE SYNONYMS FOR sparkler ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna person or thing that sparkles. a firework that emits little sparks. a sparkling gem, especially a diamond. Informal. a bright eye. Origin of sparklerFirst recorded in 1705–15; sparkle + -er1 Words nearby sparklersparkie, sparking plug, sparking voltage, spark-killer, sparkle, sparkler, sparklet, sparkling water, sparkling wine, sparkly, spark off Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for sparklerTry drinking it via a porrón, a glass pitcher traditionally used with the Spanish sparkler cava. Holiday Wine Secrets|Mark Oldman|December 21, 2010|DAILY BEAST This sparkler pairs nicely with a tangy, salty, creamy cheese such as La Tur cheese from the Piedmont region of Italy. The Official Beverage of France|Katie Workman|August 4, 2009|DAILY BEAST The devotion of Mr Sparkler was only to be equalled by the caprice and cruelty of his enslaver. Little Dorrit|Charles Dickens And that your heart will be on the point of sinking with dread, then you will find yourself in the arms of the Sparkler of Albion. The Letters of Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens
Csar looked over the men who were with the police inspector; one of them was "Sparkler." Csar or Nothing|Po Baroja Baroja If so, the place of meeting is the Sparkler's Bower, and the hour, one exactly. The Letters of Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens The sparkler—a big diamond—in a hollow place in the wood, kid! Tom Swift and his Motor-boat|Victor Appleton
British Dictionary definitions for sparkler
nouna type of firework that throws out showers of sparks informal a sparkling gem Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to sparklerstone, ornament, trinket, bead, bauble, gem, gemstone, gold, glass, treasure, bracelet, jewel, brooch, costume, necklace, knickknack, tiara, silver, earring, pendant |