In a normal year, this sudden spate of hiring would be extremely noticeable — several hundred thousand new government jobs could increase that month’s total number of jobs gained by an order of magnitude.
The Easy Part Of The Economic Recovery Might Be Over|Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux|September 4, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Every selection season brings a new spate of headlines about a copyright kerfuffle involving candidates’ unauthorized use of songs.
Trump and ‘Hallelujah’: Why it’s so hard to stop campaigns from playing songs, even when artists object|Jeff|August 31, 2020|Fortune
He says the movement has its roots in the anti-vaccination sentiment toward measles jabs that has surfaced in recent years, and which has been blamed for a spate of outbreaks.
Liberal, Educated … and Anti-Vaxxer: Pandemic Births New Vaccine Doubters|Charu Kasturi|August 25, 2020|Ozy
Jumia’s second quarter earnings results show the company is looking to draw an end to a spate of legal wrangles.
Jumia, Africa’s e-commerce leader, is paying out $5 million to settle class-action fraud lawsuits|Yomi Kazeem|August 12, 2020|Quartz
In cases such as a spate of recent suicides by adolescents who were bullied on Facebook, the perpetrators were well known.
Outed Madeleine McCann Troll Kills Herself. But Millions Live On Online.|Barbie Latza Nadeau|October 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She also blasted the spate of “Katherine Heigl-y type things where women…have no reason to exist other than to get a guy.”
‘Clueless’: How the Greatest Clique of the ‘90s Transformed Into A Shakespearean Tragedy|Marlow Stern|May 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This was followed in 2012 by a spate of media articles in the US trying to grab attention using similar headlines.
The Truth About Older People Having More Sex|Kent Sepkowitz|January 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The protests are also a bonanza for the European Union, which has been suffering from a spate of bad PR recently.
Ukraine’s Eurolution Is a PR Godsend for the Struggling E.U.|Vijai Maheshwari|December 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Kenya invaded Somalia in response to a spate of kidnappings in the fall of 2011.
Slaughter in Nairobi: Bloody Siege in Shopping Mall Kills Dozens|Margot Kiser|September 22, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The elements roared and rocked; the valley was knee deep already in a spate of waters.
Slaves of Mercury|Nat Schachner
It began with a perfect hurricane of wind, then it settled down to rain, till it became a perfect "spate."
Our Home in the Silver West|Gordon Stables
But at least he was there to alarm, for its assault, borne down on the spate, would be worse by far than that of the timber.
Gilian The Dreamer|Neil Munro
It was a hill stream coming down in spate, and, as I soon guessed, in a deep ravine.
Greenmantle|John Buchan
He could boast that he was beaten not by columns but by two rivers in spate.
A Handbook of the Boer War|Gale and Polden, Limited
British Dictionary definitions for spate
/ (speɪt) /
a fast flow, rush, or outpouringa spate of words
mainlyBritisha sudden floodthe rivers were in spate