GPT-3 seems to capture an impressive amount of latent knowledge about the world, knowledge that is implicitly encoded in statistical patterns in the distribution of words across its gargantuan training corpus.
Welcome to the Next Level of Bullshit - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Raphaël Millière|September 9, 2020|Nautilus
Given the gargantuan size of many astronomical datasets, the method could greatly boost the speed of discovery for world-hunting.
50 new planets, including one as big as Neptune, are identified using A.I.|rhhackettfortune|August 26, 2020|Fortune
A very long time ago, gargantuan grasshoppers and massive mayflies cruised the planet.
Minecraft’s big bees don’t exist, but giant insects once did|Carolyn Wilke|May 14, 2020|Science News For Students
Today, researchers are flummoxed as to the whereabouts of this gargantuan cultural artifact.
The Biggest Art Heist of WWII is Still Unsolved||October 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There are gargantuan histories of the birth of hip-hop, many of which Ed used for his research.
Bam! Pow! Bling! Hip-Hop's History Gets the Graphic Novel Treatment|Daniel Genis|August 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And as far as trolls go, ESPN is like Jotnar, the gargantuan mountain troll wreaking havoc in the Trollhunter films.
ESPN: The Worldwide Leader in Pricks|Marlow Stern|July 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In person, you can see why it proved such a gargantuan task.
Susan Sarandon on Her Love Affair With David Bowie, Woody Allen’s Creepiness, and Psychedelics|Marlow Stern|July 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The U.S. Embassy and its support staff grew to gargantuan proportions, only to be “right-sized” later on.
Hillary Clinton Pushed Obama to Keep Troops in Iraq|Josh Rogin|June 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Worse—it was as though the ground and its every surface object had been run through a gargantuan mill and spewed abroad.
Triplanetary|Edward Elmer Smith
Roars of Gargantuan laughter shook the skies as each new initiate unwittingly succumbed to the demoniac wiles of his tormentors.
Mark Twain|Archibald Henderson
It was a gargantuan thing which seemed to writhe in an agony which, somehow, was created by itself.
The Spell of the White Sturgeon|James Arthur Kjelgaard
Even as he lowered his head a gargantuan blast shook the world below him.
The Buttoned Sky|Geoff St. Reynard
I fear that even the capacity for that Gargantuan laughter which met them, in those days, exists no longer.
The Bell-Ringer of Angel's and Other Stories|Bret Harte
British Dictionary definitions for gargantuan
/ (ɡɑːˈɡæntjʊən) /
(sometimes capital)huge; enormous
usage for gargantuan
Some people think that gargantuan should only be used to describe things connected with food: a gargantuan meal; his gargantuan appetite