Garner believed that he could stand on a public street, unarmed, and address police officers rationally.
What Would Happen if I Got in White Cop’s Face?|Goldie Taylor|December 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Protests in New York had been on a small scale after Ferguson but grew following the Garner decision.
The High-Priced Union Rep Charged With Attacking a Cop|Jacob Siegel|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We can dissect it and determine what the cops did wrong, maybe what Garner could have done differently.
Chicago’s Cops Don’t Even Get Investigated for Shooting People in the Back|Justin Glawe|December 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Garner moved his arm away, a mild response in keeping with a man not known for violence.
Eric Garner Was Just a Number to Them|Michael Daly|December 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The cops piled on and Pantaleo placed Garner in a chokehold, a technique banned by the NYPD.
Eric Garner Protests: ‘It’s Like Vietnam’|Abby Haglage, Caitlin Dickson, Jacob Siegel, Chris Allbritton|December 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At the hour named, Dorothy stood ready, and a few minutes later Mr. Garner appeared in the corridor.
Pretty Madcap Dorothy|Laura Jean Libbey
Grim fields to garner from, wherein he who sows peradventure shall not reap, and wherein Death is the farmer!
The Harbor Master|Theodore Goodridge Roberts
A groan broke from Garner's lips—this acknowledgement was so terrible for him to hear from this strange woman's lips.
Pretty Madcap Dorothy|Laura Jean Libbey
I don't believe I have any more questions at this time, Mrs. Garner, if you can't think of anything else you would like to add.
Warren Commission (10 of 26): Hearings Vol. X (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Why should he linger, and wring his heart, and garner bitterness to feed upon in his lonely days?
The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains|Charles Egbert Craddock
British Dictionary definitions for garner (1 of 2)
/ (ˈɡɑːnə) /
to gather or store in or as if in a granary
an archaic word for granary
archaica place for storage or safekeeping
Word Origin for garner
C12: from Old French gernier granary, from Latin grānārium, from grānum grain
British Dictionary definitions for garner (2 of 2)
/ (ˈɡɑːnə) /
Erroll. 1921–77, US jazz pianist and composer, noted for the jazz standard 'Misty' (1954)
Helen. born 1942. Australian novelist and journalist. Her books include the novels Monkey Grip (1977), The Idea of Perfection (2002), The Children's Bach (1984), and The Spare Room (2008), and the nonfiction The First Stone (1995)