First recorded before 1000; Middle English; Old English æfterweard, alteration (with -r- of æfter after) of æfteweard, equivalent to æfte-, æftan aft1 + -weard -ward
afterward , afterword
Words nearby afterward
aftertax, after the fact, afterthought, aftertime, aftertreatment, afterward, afterwards, afterword, afterwork, afterworld, afteryears
The president, meanwhile, continued with happy talk for at least two weeks afterward.
Trump’s ABC News town hall: Four Pinocchios, over and over again|Glenn Kessler|September 16, 2020|Washington Post
The outcome of this year’s presidential election looks like it won’t be known for days or weeks afterward as we await the counting of mail-in ballots.
Sunday Magazine: The Deciders|Daniel Malloy|September 13, 2020|Ozy
The HTA, it turns out, was afterward completed without Murphy’s involvement.
What to make of the DHS whistleblower’s shocking complaint|Alex Ward|September 11, 2020|Vox
What’s more, 3 percent of the people who survived their hospital stay needed more care in a nursing facility afterward.
A sobering breakdown of severe COVID-19 cases shows young adults can’t dismiss it|Erin Garcia de Jesus|September 9, 2020|Science News
Orlando knows the pain of mass shootings, and discriminatory sexual orientation guidelines denied victims’ friends and families the opportunity to donate blood afterward.
Demings, Quigley introduce bill to repeal MSM blood donor restrictions|Michael K. Lavers|September 9, 2020|Washington Blade
For many years afterward it was a never-ending topic of conversation, and is more or less talked of even to this day.
New York’s Most Tragic Ghost Loves Minimalist Swedish Fashion|Nina Strochlic|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Afterward, the graduates posed for pictures with their families.
Cop Families Boo De Blasio at NYPD Graduation|Michael Daly|December 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Afterward, you can actually see her young career flash before her eyes as she makes a kind of puffed up blowfish face.
The Curious Little Shell That Restarted Jenny Slate’s Career|Luke Hopping|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I vividly recall, that day and the weeks afterward, people groping for a decent way forward.
The Media's Pro-Torture Cheerleaders|Jedediah Purdy|December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Afterward, Republicans, who unanimously supported the pipeline, seemed unfazed.