

单词 ballistocardiograph


[ buh-lis-toh-kahr-dee-uh-graf, -grahf ]
/ bəˌlɪs toʊˈkɑr di əˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf /

noun Medicine/Medical.

a device that determines cardiac output by recording the movements of the body caused by contraction of the heart and ejection of blood into the aorta.

Origin of ballistocardiograph

First recorded in 1935–40; ballist(ic) + -o- + cardiograph

OTHER WORDS FROM ballistocardiograph

bal·lis·to·car·di·og·ra·phy [buh-lis-toh-kahr-dee-og-ruh-fee], /bəˌlɪs toʊˌkɑr diˈɒg rə fi/, noun

Words nearby ballistocardiograph

ballistics, ballistic trajectory, ballistic wind, ballistite, ballistocardiogram, ballistocardiograph, ballistospore, ballium, ball joint, ball lightning, ball mill
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Medical definitions for ballistocardiograph

[ bə-lĭs′tō-kärdē-ə-grăf′ ]


A device used to determine the volume of blood passing through the heart in a specific period of time and the force of cardiac contraction by measuring the body's recoil as blood is ejected from the ventricles with each heartbeat.

Other words from ballistocardiograph

bal•lis′to•car′di•ogra•phy (-ŏgrə-fē) n.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.




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