[ spring -kler ] SHOW IPA
noun any of various devices for sprinkling, as a watering pot, a container of water with a perforated top used to sprinkle clothes before ironing, or especially a perforated ring or small stand with a revolving nozzle to which a hose is attached for watering a lawn with a fine, even spray.
a person who sprinkles.
verb (used with object) to provide (a warehouse, school, office building, etc.) with a sprinkler system.
Origin of sprinkler First recorded in 1525–35; sprinkle + -er1
Words nearby sprinkler Spring Valley, Springville, springwood, springy, sprinkle, sprinkler , sprinklered, sprinkler system, sprinkling, sprint, sprint medley
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for sprinkler He cites stricter compliance for things such as sprinkler systems.
Why Are Girl Scout Camps Being Closed? | Alessandra Rafferty| January 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The sprinkler s are set off, so, naturally, Ghost Shark arrives through the sprinkler water and eats the museum keeper.
The Craziest Moments From ‘Ghost Shark’ (VIDEO) | Kevin Fallon| August 23, 2013| DAILY BEAST
My dad was a sprinkler fitter and he was in the union, so we moved around every three years for his job.
Punk Rock-Feminist Pioneer Kathleen Hanna on Her SXSW Doc and More | Marlow Stern| March 13, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Once four of us were told we had an hour to nap, but we had to do it under a sprinkler .
Inside Seal Team Six by Don Mann Excerpt | Don Mann| December 4, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Before those flames reached the sprinkler directly above their table, I rushed over with a cotton napkin to put out the fire.
Confessions of Charlie Sheen's Bartender | Robert Schwartz| February 6, 2011| DAILY BEAST
The annexed engravings represent the sprinkler at exact size for one-half inch connection.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 363, December 16, 1882 | Various
Sawdust-packed thermite grenades were stacked right up to the perforated pipes of the sprinkler system.
The Great Potlatch Riots | Allen Kim Lang
This machinery is to include more powerful tractors and grain combines, milking machines, and sprinkler irrigation systems.
Area Handbook for Bulgaria | Eugene K. Keefe, Violeta D. Baluyut, William Giloane, Anne K. Long, James M. Moore, and Neda A. Walpole
However, the sprinkler is a very good thing, though it is not put in excepting where the hose attachment is also supplied.
Convenient Houses | Louis Henry Gibson
You get that impression simply because the judge howled like an Algonquin Indian when he saw the sprinkler running on the lawn.
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town | Stephen Leacock
British Dictionary definitions for sprinkler noun a device perforated with small holes that is attached to a garden hose or watering can and used to spray plants, lawns, etc, with water
a person or thing that sprinkles
See sprinkler system
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to sprinkler aerosol, sprayer, froth, splash, fog, moisture, drizzle, duster, spindrift, droplets, atomizer, vaporizer