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[ gloo-ee ] / ˈglu i / SEE SYNONYMS FOR gluey ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, glu·i·er, glu·i·est.like glue; viscid; sticky. full of or smeared with glue. Origin of glueyMiddle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at glue, -y1 OTHER WORDS FROM glueyglu·ey·ness, nounWords nearby glueyglue, glueball, glue ear, gluepot, glue sniffing, gluey, glug, gluggable, gluhwein, glum, glumaceous Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for glueyBirds eat their berries, which are coated in gluey material called viscin. Mistletoe is the Vampire of Plants|Helen Thompson|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST I have heard it defined by men of high culture as "gluey tenacity;" and such tenacity they once supposed a glacier to possess. The Glaciers of the Alps|John Tyndall The gluey stuff from the web still stuck to his soles, picking up small objects as he went along. The Forgotten Planet|Murray Leinster Sicilian is gluey and evasive, as if the Sicilian didn't want to speak straight to you. Sea and Sardinia|D. H. Lawrence
In the summer season, however, the coating became soft and gluey, and was not comfortable to walk upon. Sixty Years in Southern California 1853-1913|Harris Newmark The road was not miry, but gluey, and reluctant, and wearisome to the tread.
Words related to glueytacky, viscous, syrupy, slimy, gooey, soft, adhesive, thick, tough, stiff, gelatinous, starchy, glutinous, mucilaginous, doughy, gluelike, clinging, tenacious, viscid, agglutinative |