McDonald staggers through the crowd – to run off stage and get a fix – and nearly tumbles onto a table.
Audra for the Win: Why Audra McDonald Must Win Tony for Best Actress|Daniel Gross|June 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The little one staggers under it, leaning far forward to lessen the direct traction over her forehead.
The Child in the Midst|Mary Schauffler Labaree
He has already reached the border of the wood; he staggers—the poison is doing its work.
The Forest Exiles|Mayne Reid
But perhaps it is the unprecedented birth of a body from a virgin that staggers you?
The City of God, Volume I|Aurelius Augustine
Others maintain that, on the contrary, but for him the bird would have died of a disease akin to the staggers.
Old and New Masters|Robert Lynd
But the second step,—the making use of a foreign substance or object in the way described,—that is what staggers one.
Ways of Nature|John Burroughs
/ (ˈstæɡəz) /
noun(functioning as singular or plural)
a form of vertigo associated with decompression sickness
Also called: blind staggersa disease of horses and some other domestic animals characterized by a swaying unsteady gait, caused by infection, toxins, or lesions of the central nervous system