单词 | stand |
释义 | stand[ stand ] / stænd / SEE SYNONYMS FOR stand ON THESAURUS.COM verb (used without object), stood [stood], /stʊd/, stand·ing [stan-ding]. /ˈstæn dɪŋ/.(of a person) to be in an upright position on the feet. to rise to one's feet (often followed by up). to have a specified height when in this position: a basketball player who stands six feet seven inches. to stop or remain motionless or steady on the feet. to take a position or place as indicated: to stand aside. to remain firm or steadfast, as in a cause. to take up or maintain a position or attitude with respect to a person, issue, or the like: to stand as sponsor for a person. to have or adopt a certain policy, course, or attitude, as of adherence, support, opposition, or resistance: He stands for free trade. (of things) to be in an upright or vertical position, be set on end, or rest on or as on a support. to be set, placed, fixed, located, or situated: The building stands at 34th Street and 5th Avenue. (of an account, score, etc.) to show, be, or remain as indicated; show the specified position of the parties concerned: The score stood 18 to 14 at the half. to remain erect or whole; resist change, decay, or destruction (often followed by up): The ruins still stand. The old building stood up well. to continue in force or remain valid: The agreement stands as signed. to remain still, stationary, or unused: The bicycle stood in the basement all winter. to be or become stagnant, as water. (of persons or things) to be or remain in a specified state, condition, relation, relative position, etc.: He stood in jeopardy of losing his license. to have the possibility or likelihood: He stands to gain a sizable profit through the sale of the house. Chiefly British. to become or be a candidate, as for public office (usually followed by for). Nautical.
(of a male domestic animal, especially a stud) to be available as a sire, usually for a fee: Three Derby winners are now standing in Kentucky. verb (used with object), stood [stood], /stʊd/, stand·ing [stan-ding]. /ˈstæn dɪŋ/.to cause to stand; set upright; set: Stand the chair by the lamp. to face or encounter: to stand an assault. to undergo or submit to: to stand trial. to endure or undergo without harm or damage or without giving way: His eyes are strong enough to stand the glare. to endure or tolerate: She can't stand her father. to treat or pay for: I'll stand you to a drink when the manuscript is in. to perform the duty of or participate in as part of one's job or duty: to stand watch aboard ship. noun, plural stands for 28-49, stands or, especially after a numeral, stand for 50.the act of standing; an assuming of or a remaining in an upright position. a cessation of motion; halt or stop. a determined effort for or against something, especially a final defensive effort: Custer's last stand. a determined policy, position, attitude, etc., taken or maintained: We must take a stand on political issues. the place in which a person or thing stands; station. witness stand. a raised platform, as for a speaker, a band, or the like. stands, a raised section of seats for spectators; grandstand. a framework on or in which articles are placed for support, exhibition, etc.: a hat stand. a piece of furniture of various forms, on or in which to put articles (often used in combination): a nightstand; a washstand. a small, light table. a stall, booth, counter, or the like, where articles are displayed for sale or where some business is carried on: a fruit stand. newsstand: The papers usually hit the stands at 5 a.m. a site or location for business: After 20 years the ice-cream vendor was still at the same stand. a place or station occupied by vehicles available for hire: a taxicab stand. the vehicles occupying such a place. the growing trees, or those of a particular species or grade, in a given area. a standing growth, as of grass, wheat, etc. a halt of a theatrical company on tour, to give a performance or performances: a series of one-night stands on the strawhat trail. the town at which a touring theatrical company gives a performance. hive (def. 2). Metalworking. a rolling unit in a rolling mill. Chiefly British. a complete set of arms or accoutrements for one soldier. Verb Phrasesstand by,
stand down,
stand for,
stand in with,
stand off,
stand on,
stand out,
stand over,
stand to,
stand up,
stand up for,
stand up to, to meet or deal with fearlessly; confront: to stand up to a bully. Idioms for standstand a chance / show, to have a chance or possibility, especially of winning or surviving: He's a good shortstop but doesn't stand a chance of making the major leagues because he can't hit. stand pat. pat2 (def. 6). stand to reason. reason (def. 18). take the stand, to testify in a courtroom. Origin of standFirst recorded before 900; Middle English standen (verb), Old English standan; cognate with Old Saxon standan, Middle Dutch standen, Old High German stantan, standa, standan; akin to Latin stāre “to stand,” sistere, Greek histánai “to make stand,” Sanskrit sthā “to stand,” Old Irish at-tá “(he) is” SYNONYMS FOR stand25 abide, stomach. SEE SYNONYMS FOR stand ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for stand25. See bear1. Words nearby standstan, stance, stanch, stanchion, stanchless, stand, stand a chance, stand-alone, standard, standard amenities, Standard American English Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for stand
British Dictionary definitions for standstand / (stænd) / verb stands, standing or stood (mainly intr)(also tr) to be or cause to be in an erect or upright position to rise to, assume, or maintain an upright position (copula) to have a specified height when standingto stand six feet to be situated or locatedthe house stands in the square to be or exist in a specified state or conditionto stand in awe of someone to adopt or remain in a resolute position or attitude (may take an infinitive) to be in a specified positionI stand to lose money in this venture; he stands high in the president's favour to remain in force or continue in effectwhatever the difficulties, my orders stand to come to a stop or halt, esp temporarily (of water, etc) to collect and remain without flowing (often foll by at) (of a score, account, etc) to indicate the specified position of the parties involvedthe score stands at 20 to 1 (also tr ; when intr , foll by for) to tolerate or bearI won't stand for your nonsense any longer; I can't stand spiders (tr) to resist; surviveto stand the test of time (tr) to submit toto stand trial (often foll by for) mainly British to be or become a candidatewill he stand for Parliament? to navigate in a specified directionwe were standing for Madeira when the storm broke (of a gun dog) to point at game to halt, esp to give action, repel attack, or disrupt an enemy advance when retreating (of a male domestic animal, esp a stallion) to be available as a stud (also tr) printing to keep (type that has been set) or (of such type) to be kept, for possible use in future printings (tr) informal to bear the cost of; pay forto stand someone a drink stand a chance to have a hope or likelihood of winning, succeeding, etc stand fast to maintain one's position firmly stand one's ground to maintain a stance or position in the face of opposition stand still
stand to someone Irish informal to be useful to someoneyour knowledge of English will stand to you nounthe act or an instance of standing an opinion, esp a resolutely held onehe took a stand on capital punishment a halt or standstill a place where a person or thing stands Australian and NZ
a structure, usually of wood, on which people can sit or stand a frame or rack on which such articles as coats and hats may be hung a small table or piece of furniture where articles may be placed or storeda music stand a supporting framework, esp for a tool or instrument a stall, booth, or counter from which goods may be sold an exhibition area in a trade fair a halt to give action, etc, esp one taken during a retreat and having some duration or some success cricket an extended period at the wicket by two batsmen a growth of plants in a particular area, esp trees in a forest or a crop in a field a stop made by a touring theatrical company, pop group, etc, to give a performance (esp in the phrase one-night stand) Southern African a plot or site earmarked for the erection of a building (of a gun dog) the act of pointing at game a complete set, esp of arms or armour for one man military the flags of a regiment See also stand by, stand down, stand for, stand in, standoff, stand on, stand out, stand over, stand pat, stand to, stand up Derived forms of standstander, nounWord Origin for standOld English standan; related to Old Norse standa, Old High German stantan, Latin stāre to stand; see stead Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Idioms and Phrases with standstand In addition to the idioms beginning with stand
also see:
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Words related to standstance, belief, sentiment, attitude, determination, view, table, support, booth, platform, locate, set, rise, erect, settle, place, rank, put, pause, last |
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