In fact, Mexico buys and sells more US goods than any other country on the planet except for Canada.
Why Mexicans Are Enraged by Obama’s Big Tuesday Meeting|Ruben Navarrette Jr.|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
I never hear a Democrat talk about these goods, which are, in the literal sense, indivisible—for us all.
The Democrats’ Black Hole—and What They Can Do About It|Michael Tomasky|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As more come online, they will actively seek better selling prices elsewhere and also source their goods internationally.
Silicon Valley Sets Its Sights on Africa|Christian Borys|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But Billy Childs absolutely delivers the goods in this poignant collection of Laura Nyro songs.
The Best Albums of 2014|Ted Gioia|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Some of them, like an across-the-board tariff on Chinese goods, might actually work.
Sony Blames North Korea for Hacking, but Washington Left Them Completely Vulnerable|Gordon G. Chang|December 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The non-importation act being still in force, these goods were seized as forfeited to the Government.
The Second War with England, Vol. 1 of 2|J. T. Headley.
All disputed noisily in their eagerness to show their goods to the passengers.
Kit Musgrave's Luck|Harold Bindloss
He found new agents, new descriptions of goods, and new servants.
Debit and Credit|Gustav Freytag
He has not much of this world's goods at present; and her mother would naturally look higher.
Perlycross|R. D. Blackmore
Secondly, a right, before any other man, to inherit with his brethren his father's goods.
Second Treatise of Government|John Locke
/ (ɡʊdz) /
pl n
possessions and personal property
(sometimes singular)economicscommodities that are tangible, usually movable, and generally not consumed at the same time as they are producedCompare services
articles of commerce; merchandise
merchandise when transported, esp by rail; freight
(as modifier)a goods train
the goods
informalthat which is expected or promisedto deliver the goods
slangthe real thing
US and Canadianslangincriminating evidence (esp in the phrase have the goods on someone)
a piece of goodsslanga person, esp a woman
Words nearby goods
Goodpasture's syndrome, good people, good question, Goodrich, good riddance, goods, good Samaritan, good Samaritan law, goods and chattels, good scout, goods engine