Many users thus consider the change as much more acceptable and agreeable.
Why dark mode web designs are gaining popularity|Amanda Jerelyn|September 30, 2020|Search Engine Watch
It’s always satisfying when two players with agreeable games end up on the same team, under a coach who understands their symbiotic energy and optimizes their creativity inside the right system.
The Miami Heat’s Dynamic Duo Could Make Noise In The Playoffs|Michael Pina|August 12, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
They censored only about 16 percent of the comments they found more politically agreeable.
The Anonymous Culture Cops of the Internet - Facts So Romantic|Jesse Singal|August 12, 2020|Nautilus
I found the sauce/complex aromas hailing from Guizhou in the south of China to be most agreeable.
The Most Powerful Liquor in the World|Kayleigh Kulp|August 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The jukebox plays a medley of sixties tunes, an apt and agreeable feature.
All Hail Richard Hamilton, the Father of British Pop Art|Chloë Ashby|February 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But you could afford to drift to the left of your readership as long as you maintained an agreeable tone about it.
Could There Be A Conservative LA Times?|Megan McArdle|April 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
That sounds like an agreeable enough figure until you recall that he got 78 percent of the Jewish vote in 2008.
Michael Tomasky on Obama’s Problem With Jewish Voters in November|Michael Tomasky|April 24, 2012|DAILY BEAST
He is well received everywhere for his manners are good and agreeable.
The Scandal of Madame X|David McCullough|May 22, 2011|DAILY BEAST
The agreeable resources of Paris must certainly please and instruct every class of characters.
The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson Compiled From Family Letters and Reminiscences|Sarah N. Randolph
"I shall have another pipe," he proclaimed, with an agreeable note of excess.
Marriage|H. G. Wells
The feathers on their thighs are round like shells at the end, and being there very thick, have an agreeable effect.
Extinct Birds|Walter Rothschild
It is an adjectival form, like Datis, and means probably "pleasant, agreeable."
The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 3. (of 7): Media|George Rawlinson
In agreeable surprise Beauty offered her hand to the handsome prince, and assisted him to rise.
Old-Time Stories|Charles Perrault
British Dictionary definitions for agreeable
/ (əˈɡrɪəbəl) /
pleasing; pleasant
prepared to consent
(foll by to or with) in keeping; consistentsalaries agreeable with current trends
(foll by to)to one's likinghe said the terms were not agreeable to him